Well folks, the time is almost here. For the move, that is. I can't talk about it much, because as each day passes, I seem to get more emotional and sentimental. So I've decided to give you guys some more details regarding our move and also some ways that you can pray for us. We will be moving out of our house on June 7 (or close to that...depending on when we close on the house). We have quite a bit packed up. We've been doing a little at a time and trying to not be procrastinators. We have so much stuff though...seriously, where did it all come from? From there, we will be staying with my parents for about a week. The reasons for this are #1) June 14 is just the day we had in mind at the beginning so we're sticking to it and #2) most likely, my brother Adam will be coming with us instead of my Dad (it is busy season you know, plus he's got a bum elbow!). Adam only has Tuesday/Wednesday off...so we have to go when he can go. So, June 14 is moving day...the big ...
Jesus Chaser. Living Authentically. Pastor's Wife. Mom of Two. Dessert Eater.