Hi friends, welcome! I'm Brianne, but most people call me Bri - it's just easier that way. I'm a woman who loves Jesus and does her best to free others to live authentically for Him. My time is spent keeping up with my pastor husband and our church, along with chasing the two tiny people also occupying my home. My words here are simply what God is teaching me. I hope you'll come alongside and let Him transform and teach you, as well. Drop me a note and tell me a little about you, so glad you are here!
What a good time of year to sit and reflect over the past twelve months. My life is pretty normal – to me. But I really do believe that other people view it as…not quite so normal. Just in the past twelve months I have had three addresses, moved to a different state, sold a house, and bought a house. Luke and I strive to follow where God leads us and that isn’t always easy. Today I would like to share the toughest thing that happened in 2014. I do know that our biggest blessing piggybacks on my toughest situation. Isn’t that how it usually works? Hard. Tearful. Embarrassing. Mortifying actually. That is how I would sum up 2014’s toughest situation. This is difficult for me to type and I know will be even more difficult to actually post, but I believe it’s all part of the healing process. Let’s just rip the Band-Aid off here – In April, I was told my contract at the school I was teaching at would not be renewed. Whew, glad that’s over. I’m swallowing my pride and there’s a bi...
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