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What Does My Pastor Do?

ver heard the phrase "Not sure why we pay the pastor so much to just preach on Sundays?" Well, I have. And I can't even with that. So it's time to squelch that complaint.

Having lived with a single-staff, smaller church pastor for nearly two years, I've learned some things about what a pastor spends his time doing. Now friends, I cannot speak to the pastor in a larger church setting, with multiple staff members. I'm only talking about the pastor with no other full-time staff members alongside him. The one who leads, organizes or oversees literally every single thing inside the church.

I'd love to give a shout out to the pastors who do all the things. It's important for us as church members to see and know that our pastor does so much more than preach on a Sunday morning. It is important for me, as the wife of a pastor, to remember and know the burden my husband carries...the things he's responsible for. His work is far beyond Sunday mornings, his ministry is daily both in and out of the church.

Below is a list. This list is not exhaustive. But these are things I have observed my pastor husband doing over the past few months and things other pastor wives I know have mentioned their husbands do often. This is not necessarily meant to bring my husband praise (although he is awesome and deserves it!), nor is it meant for my congregation to know what he does. This is for all of us, as church members, to realize and see what our pastors do. It's much more than we know.

1. Laundry (such as table coverings)
2. Purchase office and cleaning supplies
3. Make all graphics for sermons/announcements/events
4. Order curriculum materials
5. Get mail/receive packages
6. Oversee contract workers (such as construction)
7. Prepare slides/song lyrics for worship services
8. Visit church members in the hospital or having surgery
9. Visit church members in their homes
10. Make decisions regarding services & the weather
11. Make financial decisions/help prepare and adhere to budget
12. Prepare emails for communication (newsletters, prayer guides)
13. Proofread and approve bulletin
14. Prepare handouts for vision/future of church
15. Prepare Scripture readings for Sunday mornings
16. Answer texts, phone calls and emails from people both in and out of the church (this reaches far beyond standard office hours)
17. Purchase equipment/furniture
18. Prepare a sermon for a funeral
19. Attend to a family who just lost a loved one
20. Record and edit video announcements
21. Purchase and pickup donuts each Sunday morning before services
22. Meet with architects and designers to update building
23. Prepare sanctuary for kids ministry (including stacking chairs, putting out banner, etc)
24. Meet with local officials to build relationships in the community
25. Volunteer in local community and school district to build relationships
26. Assist in building stage design
27. Spend typically at least one evening (sometimes, 2+) a week attending various church-related meetings
28. Meet regularly with other local pastors to encourage and support one another
29. Meet with church members in need of counsel or encouragement
30. Prepare, launch and plan specific church-wide initiatives
31. Prepare one sermon a week and preach it at least once (twice in our case!)
32. Prepare weekly lesson for Community Group
33. Host a Community Group in his home
34. Prepare weekly lesson for Wednesday night service
35. Prepare monthly prayer meeting guide and lead meeting twice a month
36. Prepare devotion for monthly midweek worship service
37. Spend time in prayer for his church

I certainly could keep going, but that is plenty. My hope is that we, as church members, will see our pastors beyond Sunday morning. To know and realize they are juggling many tasks and responsibilities - as are each of us! To also see that beyond the church and her members, this man is usually also a husband and dad.

This also shows our vital role as members in the church, the need for us to serve. For when no one steps in to serve, the pastor usually must take that role on. When we, as church members, are the hands and feet of the church, it gives the pastor a bit of breathing space to spend more time in prayerful preparation for the many tasks he has at hand. Let's step in and step up. Relieve the burden, give all of ourselves and jump in on the blessings of being an integral part of the local church!

Most of all, love your pastor well. Encourage and uplift him as often as you can. He needs to hear those words from the people he loves and cares for the most - those inside his church.


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