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The Life of a Server

I was recently approached by someone to blog about my job. Most of you know that I am currently serving at Olive Garden. I call it serving because waitressing is now politically incorrect, I think anyway!

I can think of two jobs (well, now three) that I have had in my life that I can honestly say were super hard work. The first was housekeeping at Oak Terrace, the second was waitressing/bartending at Oak Terrace and the third would be now. Serving is HARD work. Housekeeping was hard too, but serving takes the cake. There are no people to deal with in housekeeping, it's just physical (and gross!).

Serving requires long hours. I have worked over nine hours for seven of the last 12 days. These nine hours a day are spent on my feet, maybe sitting for 15-20 minutes the entire shift. Not only am I standing, but I'm walking (nearly running) when we get busy. My uniform is long pants, long shirt buttoned all the way up and a tie. Not cool or comfortable in over 100 degree heat, while running to serve those guests! I sweat...alot. My feet hurt...alot. But is it worth it? Some days, yes. Some tables, yes. Others, no...not so much.

As a server, I am required to greet my table within 30 seconds of them being seated. Greeting includes a welcome, my name, the name of another server in the area, an offer for a free wine sample (after 4pm and if they are over 21), an offer for a specialty non-alcoholic beverage, a listing of our soda/tea options and a push for an appetizer. Trust me, it's a lot. And it's only slightly disappointing when I get that ALL out and they say, "Oh, I'll just have a water with lemon, please." After the drinks come it's time for the order. Then I must make sure I put the order in the computer perfectly or else, my tip is as good as gone! While the order's getting ready...salad/soup goes out to the table, along with refills. Then the food, more refills, a push for dessert, refills and finally the check. Keep in mind that I usually have 3-4 tables at one time. So multiply that times 4 for 9 hours a day and you have my job.

There are times when I love my job. When I have a table full of people who are friendly, who are conversing with me, who are appreciative of what I'm's awesome. It really is. It's a great place to make connections. But there are also those who are rude or who talk to me like I'm an idiot. There are points in my day where I would like to look at them and say, "Listen, I am 24 years old, I have a bachelor's degree and I spent the last two years of my life teaching teenagers. I am in between jobs right now and this is all that's holding my family together. I would appreciate a little respect here!" But I can't say that, because the guest is always right!

Again, serving is HARD work. Hours on my feet, sweating and running around like a chicken with her head cut off. Did I mention that I make $3.63 an hour? Yeah, my paycheck is about $40 a week. My tips are all that get me by.

I encourage everyone, when they go out to eat, to be friendly to their server. Remember that they have probably been working all day, on their feet. Remember that sometimes servers are college students, or people like me who are just trying to get by. Smile at your server, thank them for what they do and if they do a good job, leave more than 10% PLEASE!

I also ask for prayers for my co-workers. The restaurant industry is extremely worldly. When we moved out here, I told Luke I didn't want to be in the Christian "bubble." And let me tell you, I'm not. I can think of two people that I work with who are Christians (keep in mind there are 50 servers at the Olive Garden I work at, plus bartenders, managers and kitchen help). One of these Christians lives right down the street from us and attends Midwestern. I work with homosexuals, atheists and many, many great people who are just lost without the love of Jesus. I am trying to be a light in an extremely dark environment. So pray for me, that I can witness to my co-workers and also to the people I serve. I am a servant for those guests that sit at my table and I am a servant for God in my workplace. Putting those two together makes my job a whole lot easier and my attitude quite a bit better! :)


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