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So, we went back to visit family in Ramsey this past weekend. I must say, last time we were there, we had only been living in KC for about 3 weeks so I didn't notice much. But this time...things felt different. I think I'm beginning to get the hang of the "city life" if you will. Once we were on I70 in Illinois, I noticed how dark everything was. No street lights, no building lights, not very many cars. We got to my parent's house and it was soooo quiet. We can't hear traffic from our apartment (hallelujah!) but we do have neighbors, lots of kids around, an airport about 15 minutes away and an occasional siren or two. The whole atmosphere is just...different. Which brings me to my next point - I saw many people over the weekend that I hadn't seen since we had left. People at church, people from my old job...they all wanted to know "Are you happy there?" Here's my answer...

Absolutely, 100% YES in all capital letters. I am very happy here. I feel like the past two years of teaching, Luke in the ministry, our house...all of that - was a dream or something. It's almost like they never happened, which is both a good and bad thing. I feel like a completely different person. Believe it or not, I think our lives are less stressful. Even though we're never home at the same time (or at all really) our jobs are the kind you don't bring home with you. Before, we both had plenty of stress to bring home from our jobs. We have complete freedom to do whatever we want. If we both get home from work at 10pm and have a McDonald's golly, we can hop in our cars and go get it! We don't have a lot of down time, but the time we do have is spent exploring new things, meeting new people, and just hanging out with each other.

I think this time in my life would be called "Renewal" as my title states. This is a time for Luke and I to find ourselves as a couple and as individuals without any influences. We don't have anyone to answer to here (besides each other) and we have plenty of "us" time. Our jobs are not the greatest, but they are flexible and so far, pay the bills. Our family is a few hours away and the drive is not fun...but it's not SO far that we can't go visit if we need some family time. And I will be needing some again (probably before Thanksgiving but...).

So, the answer is yes. I think I can speak for Luke as well and say that we are both very happy here. I think we made the right decision to drop everything and move here. I think we need this time together to grow as individuals and as a couple. I don't know what the future holds after seminary and I'm not going to worry about it. I'm just going to enjoy the renewing experiences that I have now! :)

PS - I would like to put a plug in real quick. Luke and I are in the process of becoming members of Northland Baptist Church here in KC. The church is awesome - there are plenty of couples our age, lots of activities going on and the church is very missions-minded. The church partners with a church plant and an orphanage in El Salvador. The church sends a group in January and June each year to the orphanage and church plant to do various mission work. Luke and I are wanting, hoping, praying to be able to attend their next trip in January. The dates are January 1-8. The cost of the trip is about $1200 per person (so $2400 for both of us). I will have more information soon about the trip to share with everyone. But if you could start praying for us, the trip and for financial support that would be great! We think this would be an awesome opportunity for us! Thank you! :)


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