Okay, so funny story. Well, it was NOT funny until yesterday evening and now it's only semi-funny because I'm not quite over it and sure the threat is gone. But still, I'm sure it will be fine. At the beginning of this month, I was desperate so I started applying for random jobs on Craigslist. Really? What was I thinking? One of the jobs I had applied for was a personal assistant to....someone/thing? I sent them my resume (which unfortunately has my email/address/phone on it). I get an email back telling me what this "person" does for a living, the job requirements, AND that I have been hired (along with my first job assignment). I email back saying that I don't accept jobs from people that I have never met and if they want to interview me to let me know. End of story, I hear nothing else.... Fast forward to yesterday...there is a knock on the door at about 8:30am. Its the FedEx man with a package! Luke opens it and it's a random $3,200 check from peop...
Jesus Chaser. Living Authentically. Pastor's Wife. Mom of Two. Dessert Eater.