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Showing posts from October, 2011


Okay, so funny story. Well, it was NOT funny until yesterday evening and now it's only semi-funny because I'm not quite over it and sure the threat is gone. But still, I'm sure it will be fine. At the beginning of this month, I was desperate so I started applying for random jobs on Craigslist. Really? What was I thinking? One of the jobs I had applied for was a personal assistant to....someone/thing? I sent them my resume (which unfortunately has my email/address/phone on it). I get an email back telling me what this "person" does for a living, the job requirements, AND that I have been hired (along with my first job assignment). I email back saying that I don't accept jobs from people that I have never met and if they want to interview me to let me know. End of story, I hear nothing else.... Fast forward to yesterday...there is a knock on the door at about 8:30am. Its the FedEx man with a package! Luke opens it and it's a random $3,200 check from peop...

Identity, Continued...

My last post ended with something I would like to pick up on today. I finished with asking where your identity was. I have been learning about my identity in Christ through Romans 8. I have learned so much about the love, grace, forgiveness and mercy of God through this study. If you take a look at Romans 8:5-17, it lists the differences between flesh and spirit. Proudly, I am OF the spirit and so are you provided that you are a believer. Read through that and take note of the differences between flesh and spirit. The flesh is death, hostile to God, can't submit to God's law, please Him and doesn't belong to God. The spirit has life, peace, we are children of God, we have no fear, we are a slave to no one and we are glorified with Him (to name a few). Wow, I am so incredibly happy to be a part of the spirit instead of the flesh. But if you think about all the unbelievers around you...they are walking zombies. They will die - they have no hope. Not only do they not want pl...

Where is your identity?

So I was watching "The Today Show" this morning (as I do many mornings). A segment came on about the secrets of a strong marriage. I thought I would take a look, just to see what they said. Wow, they said some crazy things. According to their survey, 70% of women married 15-70 years think seriously about divorce at least once every 6 months. WHAT? There's a book out now (I can't remember the name of it) but, according to the book, some of the suggestions for keeping your marriage strong were: spending time apart, finding an activity to do by yourself, focusing on your children, one woman even said that she meets her college boyfriend every couple of months for "lunch and making out" and that's okay, even good for her marriage, because it's not an affair. Uh, seriously? Is this what people buy into? I can't even imagine how many women were at home this morning, watching that clip. Maybe even considering something so crazy as meeting another man...