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Big Changes!

Well friends, it's been a little over four super busy months since I have updated this blog. Our lives are SO busy! But one of my hopes is to keep this updated better. Maybe I should set a reminder in my phone? That's what I do for everything else!

As many of you know, big changes are headed our way! Baby Henry is coming! Allow me to share the story...

In August, Luke stopped working at Dick's and I started working at PRHS. At the end of August, I ran out of insurance and my school insurance didn't start until October 1. Of course, my yearly doctor's appointment just so happened to be in that range. I called to reschedule and they couldn't get me in again until the end of November. After doing some research (we'll see how reliable that was!), Luke and I decided to "go with the flow," if you will. My research suggested that it took over 60% of couples at least six months to get pregnant when they weren't using birth control. So, six months...I could be ready for a baby in six months. Right?

Two short months later, on Luke's birthday (November 29), Luke suggested that I take a pregnancy test because something was a little late. My response? "What if it's positive??? What will we do???" I didn't take one that night - I was freaked out. That was a Thursday, fast forward to that Saturday. Luke and I had separate deacon/staff events with the women and men at church. I got home before he did and decided I had to face the music. This could be a little too much information, but both of those lines on the pregnancy test were there before I even had time to pull my pants up! I had a panic attack (not gonna lie) but eventually pulled myself together. In my zombie-trance mode, I headed to Target and picked up a set of girl and boy onesies, along with a bag to put everything in. I told him when he got home he had a late birthday present. He quickly figured it out when he looked in the bag. Unlike me, he didn't have an hour or so alone to process what was happening. I simply looked at him, started bawling and said, "I'm pregnant!" If he freaked out, I don't know because he had to hold himself together for me!

About eight weeks later, I sit here writing this. We have been to the doctor twice and just heard the heartbeat last week. Our announcements have been made and I am starting to notice physical changes in my body. My first trimester has not been spent with my head in the toilet...and I am so incredibly thankful for that. We are excited to welcome Baby Henry into the world at the beginning of August. While I do have moments of terror (haha!), nothing can compare to the love that filled my heart when we heard that little heart beating away last week. We didn't expect things to happen quite so quickly, but again, it just proves that we should be thankful for our health and ability to get pregnant!

We have been telling my parents to get Internet at their house for quite some time now. Literally a week after announcing we were pregnant, my mom got an iPhone and they have Internet at their house now. Ah, what grandchild will do! We hope having a baby will also bring more people to Kansas City to visit us...we gotta do what we can to get visitors out here!

Pray for us in this time of growing and changing. While we can definitely have a baby in our current living situation, we would also love to live in a house again (whether rent or own). We also have financial hurdles to overcome. And we also ask for prayers of continued health for Luke, me and the baby.


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