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Showing posts from February, 2013

Time Marches On...

Hello friends! Before I started writing, I thought it didn't have much to write about. Then, after thinking about it, I realized there are always updates to make to the blogger world. First of all, the pregnancy is progressing along quickly it seems. I'm currently 16 weeks. I actually head back to the doctor tomorrow. We'll get to hear that little heartbeat again! This Saturday, I am having an ultrasound at the Liberty Women's Clinic. This is our first peek at our little boy or girl (hopefully we can say for sure after Saturday!). I'm so excited to see that little baby wiggling around in there! I should be far enough along that we can find out the gender. If not, we have an ultrasound at our regular doctor March 5 and should definitely know then. We will be sharing the gender of the baby with everyone; but the name will be kept secret...mwah, ha, ha! That is, if we can keep our mouths shut! 15 Weeks. Apparently it's bigger this students said toda...