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Time Marches On...

Hello friends! Before I started writing, I thought it didn't have much to write about. Then, after thinking about it, I realized there are always updates to make to the blogger world.

First of all, the pregnancy is progressing along quickly it seems. I'm currently 16 weeks. I actually head back to the doctor tomorrow. We'll get to hear that little heartbeat again! This Saturday, I am having an ultrasound at the Liberty Women's Clinic. This is our first peek at our little boy or girl (hopefully we can say for sure after Saturday!). I'm so excited to see that little baby wiggling around in there! I should be far enough along that we can find out the gender. If not, we have an ultrasound at our regular doctor March 5 and should definitely know then. We will be sharing the gender of the baby with everyone; but the name will be kept secret...mwah, ha, ha! That is, if we can keep our mouths shut!

15 Weeks. Apparently it's bigger this students said today, "Mrs. Henry your bump grew over the weekend!" 
We have also started looking at homes in the area. I'm not sure exactly where we will end up, but it's been fun searching and searching for houses! We got pre-approved for a mortgage and decided to take the plunge again! The plan is to be moved by the beginning of the summer - shortly after school is out. That's plenty of time to get settled and paint a baby room by August! :)

We had bit of a rough week/weekend. Luke's Grandma has been in the hospital for two weeks now. Luke flew to Illinois last Tuesday night and I joined Wednesday after school. We spent Thursday sitting in the hospital room thinking the worst was coming soon. Then we walked in Friday and there Grandma is, sitting up with her eyes open, just finishing her breakfast! She seems to go from awake and alert to confused and back again. We pray that she can get out of that hospital room soon!

Presents from my FBLA members!
After a stressful Tuesday (with Luke heading to Illinois on a plane), I walked into my classroom Wednesday morning, flipped on the lights and had my first ever surprise party! It was Advisor Appreciation Day for FBLA Week and many of my FBLA members were in my classroom awaiting my arrival at 7:30am Wednesday morning. Complete with the surprise were delicious brownies (at 7:30am, yes), potato chips (long story there), candy and presents! The kids had very thoughtfully thrown me a surprise baby shower! They did such a great job on the gifts. The gifts were so practical - many diapers, wipes, toys, books...and on and on. It was such a wonderful surprise and reminded me again of how much I love my job and my kiddos!

More updates to come soon. Hopefully a blue or pink page on Saturday! :)


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