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Moving Saga

Let's just start this post by's not over yet. The moving saga, that is. However, I want to share my story so far. It's a long one. Don't worry, I've been keeping detailed notes.

Monday, June 16
Used Budget Van Lines...Moving truck scheduled to come between 10am-Noon...Delivery on Monday evening...
*9:45am...Dann Moving calls. That is who will be moving us. They are running an hour late.
*11:15am...Dann Moving arrives. They tell us the truck is too small. We look over the inventory estimate they have. We filled out two estimates with Budget Van Lines. On the second estimate, we changed the delivery address and also added more furniture that I had forgotten the first time. Dann Moving had the first estimate. Wrong delivery address. Less stuff. Already have a load on the truck. Truck might be too small. Freak out #1 (of many).
*1:30pm...after a long lunch (that I paid for), I finally go to the garage and ask them how much longer. Two hours, they say.
*2:00-7:00pm...many smoke breaks, chatting breaks, and answered phone calls by the movers. Many angry phone calls from me to Budget about how long the process is taking and how poorly the movers are doing.
*8:15pm...Luke, Cooper and I leave for Illinois. The moving truck is broken down in our driveway. It's too late for them to deliver today anyway. They promise to be at our house in Illinois between 10am-noon tomorrow. We gotta get on the road. See you tomorrow, movers!

Tuesday, June 17
*12:30am...after four hours in the car, Cooper pukes. This has nothing to do with the movers, but is icing on the cake.
*1:00am...arrive at Luke's brother's house, with a couple changes of clothes and a toothbrush (I'm not exaggerating here), and go to sleep.
* the movers and see where they are at (because they are supposed to be delivering our items in an hour). Oh, they are still in our driveway in Kansas City. Didn't bother to call and let us know. We call Budget.
*9:30am...Budget calls, there is a technician working to fix the truck in our driveway.
*4:00pm...We call Budget. Truck has been towed, might be done tomorrow. They will call us.

Wednesday, June 18
*1:00pm...Truck is leaving within an hour. If they leave within the hour, they will deliver tonight. If not, it will definitely be here first thing tomorrow morning.
*5:00pm...No truck coming. Still in Kansas City. Probably a 3-4 day wait before it is fixed. I yell at Budget. I yell at Dann Moving. I get nowhere. I cry.

Thursday, June 19
*11:30am...Called to say they have tried everything but the truck is still not fixed. It will be at least Sunday or Monday before the truck is ready to go. After Tuesday, the contract will be broken. We can then get others movers if necessary. Budget will call Monday with an update.


Monday, June 23
*1:00pm...Call Budget. They haven't heard from the moving company. Call repair shops in the Platte City area trying to find our stuff. No luck. Call Dann Moving. They give us the number to the repair shop. Call the repair shop. They have been closed since Friday and will not reopen until Wednesday. No one bothered to tell us this. Mechanic has offered someone to meet Dann Moving to transfer our items, but they haven't sent another truck. Mechanic said he will be surprised if the truck is fixed by Wednesday. Call Budget. Oh my, they say. This is news to us, they say. No duh.
*3:30pm...Rented two Penske trucks for Wednesday to go to Kansas City and pick up our stuff. New church has a team ready to go with Luke to get it done.

Tuesday, June 24
*11:00am-1:00pm...try to get ahold of Budget. Finally happens. Dann Moving says they will have the truck here today (sorry guys, we talked to the mechanic...). Working with Budget to ensure we will have access to our items when they pick them up tomorrow.

Friends, I hate to be negative, I really do...but this is not right. We have paid a deposit to Budget and have been told we have to pay Dann Moving for loading our items before we can get our stuff. Plus, we have to pay Penske for the two trucks...and move it ourselves...and ask people to help us. I am sure crazy things like this don't happen often. But I do not think we have been treated fairly at all throughout this situation.

What's the point of getting movers? To make it a stress-free move. To relieve the physical burden from your family members (who have moved you countless times already). To get your stuff from point A to point B without having to worry about it.

I am so very thankful we have family that we have been able to stay with. If we were moving somewhere we knew no one, it would be much worse. I am thankful I can appreciate how nice it is to have more than three changes of clothing for over a week. I am thankful for our friends both here and there who have offered to help transfer, drive, load or unload our stuff. I am thankful Cooper has done a really great job being jerked from his home and bounced between two houses with stressed-out parents for the past week.

But I will be SO. INCREDIBLY. THANKFUL. to see my stuff. To sleep in my bed. To cook in my kitchen. To see Cooper play with his toys.

I will count my blessings friends, it could be much worse.

Hopefully you will see good posts in the next few days and The Henry Moving Saga of 2014 (yes, I have officially named it) will become history. And we will laugh about it. In five years.


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