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Prayer Journal

I have had an old prayer journal sitting on my nightstand for weeks. I think we came across it when unpacking boxes and it’s precious to me so I put it there. Today, I cracked it open and skimmed over it quickly. It covered from early 2012 until about the time Cooper was born. It’s full, but apparently I got busy with a baby and didn't start a new one.

It’s time to start journaling my prayers again. Want to know why? Because as I read through that book filled with my handwriting, I noticed it. Over and over again. Answered prayer. Answered prayer. Answered prayer.

They weren’t answered at that moment. But in God’s timing, they were made perfect and complete.

Here’s one entry that I wanted to share…

4/7/13: “I yearn to stay home with my baby…Lord, I asked that you please provide me with this opportunity. I know it may not be now, but you know my heart and how much I want this.”

I would have been about six(ish) months pregnant here. Even then, I “yearned” to be home with my baby. Did it happen when I wanted it to? Nope, I still had one more year of work. But guess what? It happened. Here I sit, a year-and-a-half later, at home with Cooper napping in the room next to me.  Would I have loved to be home that first year? Oh yes…yes, yes, yes. But I wasn’t supposed to be. I was off learning lessons about the Lord, leaning on Him for strength as I wrestled through a really tough school year. Luke was at home snuggling our little boy (and listening to him cry, changing poopy diapers, you know – living the dream). And you know what? That’s SO perfectly the way it was supposed to be. Luke and Cooper learned so much about each other in that time. Not many daddies will give up being the “breadwinner” to stay at a part-time job and care for a baby. But my husband did. I am so very thankful for him and his dedication to our family. Both last year, when he stayed home and now, when he’s working full-time and allowing me to stay home. All in God’s perfect timing.

We don’t know why things happen the way they do. But we do know that God hears and sees our heart’s desires. He knew that a true desire of my heart was to be at home with my baby. And I waited on Him. I didn’t force Luke to find a new job (although at times, I probably wanted to!) and I didn’t try to take matters into my own hands. We waited on God to give us our next step, and just when I thought I couldn't handle it anymore, He put us right where we are.

A while back, I mentioned looking for a part-time job and one of the youth said, “Don’t do it…you have the perfect life!” And while we don’t have much extra money right now, I do get to hang out with my Coops and serve our church alongside my husband. I'm sure perfect is an overstatement, but she's right, it is pretty good.

Thank you Lord, for answering our prayers and increasing our faith in your perfect will and timing. I give you all the glory for the provisions you’ve made for my family to get us here…exactly where we are supposed to be.

If you do not have a prayer journal, I encourage you to start one. Just for the simple fact that you can look back to see how God has moved in your life to bring you where you are now. Seeing prayers answered is so encouraging and reminds us of how good our God truly is. It doesn’t have to be anything long or pretty, just the cries of your heart, written on a page. He heard it and knew it long before it was written. Sometimes, it just helps to get it out. :)


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