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Why You Should Serve in Your Church Nursery

I serve on the Early Childhood Committee at our church. One of our biggest challenges in our latest meetings is our very real need for more adults to work in the church nursery. A few friends from my Sunday School class can remember just a couple years ago when there were only two couples who regularly attended what is now my Sunday School class. My class recently went from one class to two classes, due to growth. When we moved here in June, Cooper was the only baby in the nursery during Sunday School and many times, it was just him and another little girl in the nursery on Sunday and Wednesday nights. Lately, we have regularly been having at least five kiddos on Sunday and Wednesday nights and many more than that on Sunday mornings.

So our plea has been real. We've taken cute pictures of kids and written bubbles above their heads with funny comments. We've made "Help Wanted" signs and had kids hold them up after church. But it's not really working. So I got to thinking. I could come up with a lot of reasons people don't want to serve in the nursery (poop, crying, diaper changing, mass name a few). But I also thought of a few reasons why women and men alike may want to step up and spend some time in the nursery at church.

#1 - Parents of littles need to attend worship services and Bible studies without distraction. If you get distracted (and annoyed) easily by a crying baby in church, try keeping focus when its YOUR baby that's doing the crying in church. Shortly after Cooper was born, I had a mental battle with myself. I knew I was getting absolutely nothing out of the sermons. I was too busy trying to keep the pacifier in Cooper's mouth to keep him quiet, fishing in my bag for a burp rag, or even just caught up in staring at his perfect little face. I knew I had to put him in the nursery if I wanted to get anything out of church. We parents CRAVE the opportunity to worship and grow in our walk with God without distractions. If there is no safe, reliable and fun place to take our kiddos, there is a very small chance we will even be able to recall the main points the pastor made that morning in his sermon.

#2 - Parents of littles need to serve where they are called. Not only do moms and dads need a minute to worship, they also still are called to serve in the church. This may be through teaching a study, helping with an Awana program, singing in the choir or playing in the orchestra. Even though they have babies, God still wants use them in His Church. Without workers in the nursery, many families with small children would not be able to use their gifts and talents for God's glory.

#3 - The nursery is typically the first stop of many new young families. Attending a new church is a hard decision. But leaving your baby in the hands of strange people in a strange really hard for moms and dads. The first stop I make after entering church is dropping off Cooper in his room. For many new families, it will be the same. You could be the first person to learn their name or carry on a conversation with them. They are trusting you to care for their children while they attend worship. Without a friendly face and a warm heart caring for their child, they probably won't be back.

#4 - It will grow your faith and bring you joy. It's not all about the parents or the kids. You will get something out of this too! Kids are fun-they just are. They change and grow so quickly, even a once-a-month stint in the childcare room will allow you to see them grow up before your very eyes. Not only do you get to watch them grow physically, but you get to play a part in their spiritual growth as well. Reading Bible stories with them while they play next to you on the floor, singing and teaching them hand motions to songs, even praying with them before they eat their snacks...all of this makes a difference in the Kingdom of God.

You are never too old to snuggle a baby. And chasing toddlers might even be fun, if you give it a shot. I encourage you to check in to helping in your church nursery. Wherever your church is, I'm sure they have an opening. Remember that you are allowing their parents to worship and serve. Remember that you are using your hands and feet (quite literally) to bring our next generation into the fellowship of God.

I'll leave you with this poem - not written by me. This came from and is titled, "Thank You for Keeping the Nursery."

Mama left me in the church nursery.
She said, "You can stay here and play."
I was very afraid, but you comforted me,
And Mama found Christ that day.

At least once a month in the nursery,
You served God by caring for me
So Mama could attend church and learn to make
Our home everything it should be.

There were those that said, "I'm too busy,"
Or, "I don't want to miss church today;
I'm too young; I'm too old; I've done my part
The nursery? Please don't ask me to stay."

But you said, "No, I'm not too busy.
I'm just the right age I know
I could never do enough for the King that I serve
When you need me in the nursery, I'll go."

My life might have been so different
If you had not answered God's plea
For workers to serve where the need is so great,
To care for little people like me.

Thank you for keeping the nursery.
Mama taught me to follow Christ, too.
Many people had a part, but the most special one
To me will always be you.


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