In just a few short days, I will celebrate being unemployed for one year. This year has been so different than I expected, so much harder and so very joyful all at the same time. Staying home with a kid isn't for the faint of heart - I don't even know how you mommies of multiple children do it. God called me to be at home this year. I know it's not a calendar year - but our big life events seem to circle a school year, so roll with it. And I am so very thankful He did. What did this year accomplish? REST. Now, don't mistake me here - chasing a toddler around and keep up with my husband's ministry work does not equal physical rest. In fact, I may have been busier than ever this past year. I didn't spend my days lounging on the couch or sleeping in past 6:30am. However, the type of rest I experienced over the past 12 months was so much deeper and so much better than simply a physical rest. I woke up most mornings to the sounds of Cooper - now my body knows 6:3...
Jesus Chaser. Living Authentically. Pastor's Wife. Mom of Two. Dessert Eater.