In just a few short days, I will celebrate being unemployed for one year. This year has been so different than I expected, so much harder and so very joyful all at the same time. Staying home with a kid isn't for the faint of heart - I don't even know how you mommies of multiple children do it. God called me to be at home this year. I know it's not a calendar year - but our big life events seem to circle a school year, so roll with it. And I am so very thankful He did.
What did this year accomplish? REST. Now, don't mistake me here - chasing a toddler around and keep up with my husband's ministry work does not equal physical rest. In fact, I may have been busier than ever this past year. I didn't spend my days lounging on the couch or sleeping in past 6:30am. However, the type of rest I experienced over the past 12 months was so much deeper and so much better than simply a physical rest.
I woke up most mornings to the sounds of Cooper - now my body knows 6:30am is wake-up time so I'm awake then, even if he's not. What I didn't wake up to was the sounds of an alarm clock blaring me awake to a job I didn't want to go to. Instead of an office or classroom, I spent my days playing on the floor, running errands, cleaning toilets, doing laundry and cooking meals. And I found pure joy in my ability to do these things. Instead of going to church twice on Sunday and once on Wednesday because I was expected to, I became passionate about church like I hadn't been for quite a while. I found places and had time to serve, to learn and to lead. While "the world" did infiltrate my mind and eye through TV, social media and just being a member of the public, I appreciated spending most of my days away from people who do not understand my faith, who question my decisions and who criticize my life in general. Instead I've been surrounded by people who love, encourage, support and challenge me in my faith. And while it is so important for me to be a witness IN the world, I believe this break has allowed me to develop a firmer grasp on how I need to be serving my Jesus, so that I am better equipped from here on out. I have had time to read books, to attend Bible study with other women, and to hang out with my family without worry of my looming to-do list at work (just the looming to-do list that's hanging on the fridge).
I'm not saying everyone needs a year off at home...I'm not saying that I'll never work again. In fact, I'm currently seeking part-time work - but one that still allows my focus to be on the right things. This year has taught me where my focus should be. It's not on a fancy career or impressive resume. It's not being able to afford a beach vacation or even go out to eat more than a couple times a month. None of those things make a difference in the Kingdom. My focus is my ministry and my family. In those places, the Kingdom will be impacted. These two things have been my entire focus for a solid 12 months. and I dare say, this last year has been one of my favorites of all my 28.5 years yet.
I am so very thankful God provided so I could stay home and have this time of rest. Without the trials I faced in recent years, I would not have appreciated this time for all it was worth. God has taught me to wait on Him and to not focus on keeping up with what the world deems successful. For what is more successful than serving Him to my full capacity and bringing Cooper up in the Lord? He has taught me to always put Him and my family first, for that where true joy and contentment reside.
And now, on to the next year. One where I will probably head back to work part-time, Cooper will attend "school" two mornings a week, and we will tackle the terrible two's (please tell me that's a rumor?). But this year, I will do it all with my focus in the right place - and I think that will make it much easier to juggle all the facets of my life.
What did this year accomplish? REST. Now, don't mistake me here - chasing a toddler around and keep up with my husband's ministry work does not equal physical rest. In fact, I may have been busier than ever this past year. I didn't spend my days lounging on the couch or sleeping in past 6:30am. However, the type of rest I experienced over the past 12 months was so much deeper and so much better than simply a physical rest.
I woke up most mornings to the sounds of Cooper - now my body knows 6:30am is wake-up time so I'm awake then, even if he's not. What I didn't wake up to was the sounds of an alarm clock blaring me awake to a job I didn't want to go to. Instead of an office or classroom, I spent my days playing on the floor, running errands, cleaning toilets, doing laundry and cooking meals. And I found pure joy in my ability to do these things. Instead of going to church twice on Sunday and once on Wednesday because I was expected to, I became passionate about church like I hadn't been for quite a while. I found places and had time to serve, to learn and to lead. While "the world" did infiltrate my mind and eye through TV, social media and just being a member of the public, I appreciated spending most of my days away from people who do not understand my faith, who question my decisions and who criticize my life in general. Instead I've been surrounded by people who love, encourage, support and challenge me in my faith. And while it is so important for me to be a witness IN the world, I believe this break has allowed me to develop a firmer grasp on how I need to be serving my Jesus, so that I am better equipped from here on out. I have had time to read books, to attend Bible study with other women, and to hang out with my family without worry of my looming to-do list at work (just the looming to-do list that's hanging on the fridge).
I'm not saying everyone needs a year off at home...I'm not saying that I'll never work again. In fact, I'm currently seeking part-time work - but one that still allows my focus to be on the right things. This year has taught me where my focus should be. It's not on a fancy career or impressive resume. It's not being able to afford a beach vacation or even go out to eat more than a couple times a month. None of those things make a difference in the Kingdom. My focus is my ministry and my family. In those places, the Kingdom will be impacted. These two things have been my entire focus for a solid 12 months. and I dare say, this last year has been one of my favorites of all my 28.5 years yet.
I am so very thankful God provided so I could stay home and have this time of rest. Without the trials I faced in recent years, I would not have appreciated this time for all it was worth. God has taught me to wait on Him and to not focus on keeping up with what the world deems successful. For what is more successful than serving Him to my full capacity and bringing Cooper up in the Lord? He has taught me to always put Him and my family first, for that where true joy and contentment reside.
And now, on to the next year. One where I will probably head back to work part-time, Cooper will attend "school" two mornings a week, and we will tackle the terrible two's (please tell me that's a rumor?). But this year, I will do it all with my focus in the right place - and I think that will make it much easier to juggle all the facets of my life.
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