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2018: Personal Holiness

or the last few years, I have tried to choose a word or phrase to focus on in the coming year. I ended 2015 on a spiritual high and I recall 2016's focus being "dedicated passion." That was mostly lived out in the leading of the MOPS ministry at our last church. Then 2017 came barrelling in and knocked me off my feet. I had no word or phrase that I remember striving for except "survival." This past year has not been one where I've grown leaps and bounds in my relationship with Christ. Until the later part of the year, it was one where I didn't even have the energy (or quite frankly, desire) to open my Bible or pray. I say that in complete honesty and transparency. 2017 was tough.

But here we are, just a couple weeks away from yet another new year. I'm feeling so much better than I was six months ago. I'm feeling like me again. And while I can think of a whole slew of things I need to work on, one is key. Luke has a sign in his office that reads, "My ______'s greatest need is my personal holiness." When he first put that up, I thought it was well and good for Pastor Luke, not necessarily for everyday Bri. But as I have read it over and over again, I have realized that it's very much for each of us.

I want to be a wife who loves her husband well, a mom who doesn't fail her kids, a woman who cultivates meaningful and lasting friendships with other women, a pastors wife who leads and loves her church, and an employees who works diligently and with joy. Of course, I'd also like to lose a few pounds, eat healthier and work out...but who wouldn't? However, none of these things can come to pass if I am not right with God. If I am not walking with Him, seeking Him on a daily basis...then that list of items will go unchecked.

My focus for 2018 is not attending a marriage conference or reading the latest parenting book (although I probably should try to do those things). It's not in buying a new planner so I can stay organized. It's not the year for me to spend fretting whether I'm doing this whole lead pastors wife thing right. It's not about what exercise and diet program I'll chose to do or how many calories I'll limit myself to (good thing, cause I sure do love me some calories).

It's about me and God. It's about ensuring my own personal holiness is top priority. That I am loving and serving God to my fullest extent. That I am daily, DAILY studying His Word and spending time in prayer. Seeking this first will then allow me to reach my other goals of being a great wife, mom, friend and employee. Maybe it will even motivate me to consume less calories ;)

You should always have a plan, a discipline plan if you will, to how you are going to tackle your goals. That plan should be visible to you and to others, so they can keep you accountable. So here are practical ways I am going to seek God this year:
    1. Strive to wake up daily at 5:30am. Run to my Bible, not my computer to work.
    2. Have regular, intentional conversations with other women, being open and honest about my relationship with Christ. Encourage them to challenge me, as I hope to be able to challenge them.
    3. Continue to lead and facilitate Bible studies through Facebook (or another online platform). Seek God's wisdom and timing on if/when I will lead one in-person.
   4. Work through the realization and practicality that my first ministry is to my husband and kids. Look for ways to serve them first and best.
   5. Participate fully in our church-wide Bible reading initiative.

What are some practical ways you can seek God more intentionally this year? I know we will see radical changes if we do. Let's do it together. I'll champion you along, if you cheer for me too!

Here's to you, 2018. A year of focusing on my personal holiness.


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