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Showing posts from January, 2018

Lies Pastor's Wives Believe: I Am Not Called to Ministry

W e may not have a moment in our life where we "surrendered to the call of ministry" (allow me to speak in church-ese for a moment here) but friends, we've been called whether we like it or not. You may not have married a pastor. You may have married a businessman-turned-pastor and thought to yourself many times that you didn't sign up for this life. According to Mark 10:8 we are "no longer two, but one flesh." We are one and guess what? God doesn't call one half to ministry and tell the other half they are off the hook. Can I also follow this up by encouraging you that when He calls, He "will equip you with everything good that you may do his will." (Hebrews 13:21). It may not feel like it, but you've been called and equipped for such a time, for such a ministry, as this. We are our husband's supporter, created to love and encourage him. That is our ministry. It is what God has called us to. It is not how many hours you log at the c...

Lies Pastor's Wives Believe: I Can't Be Friends With Church Members

O ur first lie to expose is one that runs deep, painfully deep. When I married a youth pastor at the tender age of 22, a fellow pastor's wife told me one of the biggest lies we buy into. "Your life is over as you know it," she said, "you will never have friends again." I've learned through the years that the women who live by this lie have been so, so hurt by others in the church. They have chosen to build walls instead of fight for the relationship. I, too, have suffered deep hurts from church members I considered a friend. It's a conscious choice and decision that we have to make - to keep pressing on in the fight of building relationships and fight the urge to keep everyone at arm's length in an effort to protect ourselves. I truly believe this lie expands so much further than just to the pastor's wife, but to women in general. Raise your hand if you've ever worn a church mask? (mine is up high) We spend Sunday morning yelling at our ki...