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And So It Begins...

Well friends, it's finally time. You know, before about a week ago it was all talk. This moving business was just words coming out of our mouths. But now, it's real. Luke and I are both officially unemployed with no job prospects in sight. Boy, that's encouraging! There's a trailer in the driveway that already has quite a few boxes in it, with much more stuff to come in the next few days. We are moving out of our house on Tuesday (GIANT TEAR!) and then heading to KC one week after that. We've been planning this move for nearly a year and now that it's's so surreal. I can't picture my furniture anywhere but my current bedroom, I can't imagine having to climb two flights of stairs to reach my front door, and I don't even want to think about the fact that I'm sharing a wall with someone. My car and I had a pep talk last night...with this trailer in front of the garage, I had to move her out. Last night was her last being protected from the elements in a garage...poor thing...she's never had to rough it in the outdoors.
Let's talk about this trailer for a second. I am eternally grateful to the owners who are letting us borrow it (for free might I add!). you think people will get offended when we roll up onto the conservative Baptist seminary campus pulling a giant Harley Davidson trailer? Complete with Sturgis and No Panty Wednesday stickers on it? Now, if that doesn't make you crack should really get a sense of humor! It literally makes me laugh out loud. I love that stinkin' trailer already. I will make a statement! I am NOT a typical "Christian good-girl." I've done things I'm not proud of, I've been through things I would rather not have dealt with, and I am by no means a "perfect pastor's wife." Nor do I really ever want to be. I think this trailer and I have a lot in common. Maybe there's a few things on that trailer that I would rather not show to my new neighbors on campus (such as the No Panty Wednesday sticker with the bare butt HA!). There's probably some things I would like to keep hidden about myself also. This trailer isn't what you think someone would use to move to a conservative Baptist campus...nor would I have dreamt in a million years that I would live on this said campus. That trailer might ruffle some feathers, I might ruffle some feathers. I smile when I think about driving through the campus with that trailer behind me...and I smile when I think about myself, my past and my craziness on that campus too!

I set out on this blog to share how ironic using this trailer was. And as I typed, I learned that I see myself as "ironic" on campus also. I'm not surprised to uncover this. I've always felt a little inadequate as a minister's wife, an (almost) seminary wife, and sometimes even Luke's wife. But insecurities are a fact of life (especially for a woman) and it's something I continue to work on. So ladies (and men), let's not let our insecurities get in our way. We may ruffle a few feathers get a few stares...but what fun is life without a little bit of the unexpected?


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