I have a few things to share tonight. First off, today Luke and I got our Missouri driver's licenses and plates on our vehicles. It took nearly 5 hours to complete this process, we began at 12:30pm. If you have a few moments, I'll share our journey through that process with you! We first went to the DMV (it's not called a DMV here, but it's the same thing essentially!)...the lady told us what we needed so we set to work on that. We first had to go to the county court annex to get a personal property tax waiver. Instead of licensing fees, you pay personal property tax on your vehicles. Since we haven't lived here long, our fees were waived. We then travelled to Midas to get our safety inspections. However, you don't have to get a safety inspection unless your car is a 2005 or older. But, we still had to get paperwork completed in order to tell them we were exempt from the inspections (sheesh!). The Midas man told us it would be 1.5 hours to get to our cars. Seriously, he just needed to sign a paper. So we left my car there, went back to the DMV and got our driver's licenses. Then we came home because Midas man was supposed to call when they were ready. Two hours go by and no phone call...so we decide to go to Midas ourselves. Oh, the man tried to call...but it just rang and rang and rang. He was dialing the wrong number...for over two hours! It was clearly written on his paper. Anywho, we drop off Luke's car at Midas, head back to the DMV, get the plates for my car (by now it's 3:30 and they are BUSY!). Get the plates, drop Luke back off at Midas...he waits for his inspection waiver to be signed, back to the DMV, wait longer for plates and then home at 5:15pm. Long day! Super glad we don't have to go through that again.
And a little update on the job hunt. I had an interview on campus for a secretarial position. The position is mine if I want it. However, it's only part-time and definitely isn't enough money to pay the bills. Therefore, I will be needing another part-time job on top of it. The campus job doesn't start until August 1 so I have some time to search for full-time jobs with benefits (which is what we really need!). I have applied to over 20 positions but haven't heard much. Luke's in the same boat. Lots of applications out, just no call backs. We have hope for a position for him at Lifeway, but no word yet. Please keep praying for us on the job front! Specifically for a full-time position with benefits (at least health insurance) for me and a part-time, flexible position for Luke. Thank you so much for your prayers and support!
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