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The Bible study that I am currently doing now is taking me through the Lord's prayer and showing me what each part means. The Lord's prayer is a group of "index sentences" which is supposed to show us HOW to pray (not necessarily WHAT to pray). By following these index sentences, you can then fully grasp the greatness and power of prayer.

Today I was looking at "Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." I can quote the entire Lord's prayer (although I think I only know King James Version!) but have I ever stopped to really think about what that means? I did today!

For one, this short sentence is way of saying, "Jesus we can't wait for Your return so that Your will may be done on the new earth with You as our King." It's also saying..."while I'm waiting for that to happen, I will be submissive to your will in my life." Submission, not an easy task...for some anyway. Matthew 7:21 is a real kicker if you think about it..."Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven...wait a moment, stop right there. Did you get that? Not everyone who calls on the name of the Lord, not every person who claims to be a Christian and maybe not even every person sitting next to you in the pew on Sunday will enter the kingdom of heaven. Only God can see our hearts and where we stand with Him. If you continue to verse 22, it describes people waiting at the pearly gates saying, "But I did this for you Lord...I went on mission trips, I brought a dish to every funeral dinner, I helped with Bible school" (okay maybe not those exact examples but...). And still He says in verse 23, "And then I will declare to them, I never knew you, depart from me, you workers of lawlessness."

This should scare you unless you are actively living the will of God in your life. Unless you have a relationship with the Lord and are leaning on Him, doing exactly what He wants you to be may be kidding yourself. Bible school, funeral dinners and mission trips don't get you into heaven. If you continue reading in Chapter 7 through verses 24-27 it describes the story of the house built on rock and the house built on sand. We've all heard it a million times right? But is your house (life) built on rock? Is the very foundation of your life to serve Jesus Christ? Is your goal in life to know and be known by Jesus Christ?

Our purpose on this earth isn't to be successful by the world's standards...nice house, nice car, perfect little, our entire purpose is to do what the Lord tells us to. To be submissive to His will in our lives. To KNOW Him and be KNOWN by Him. It's not enough for us to just know Him...who He is, what He does...we must have a relationship with Him so that we are KNOWN by Him. And when that day comes, as we enter the Kingdom He will look at us and He will say, "Hey old friend, I know you!"


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