Generally (well for the past two Christmases that we've been married), I have sent out a Christmas letter documenting our year complete with a few pictures. This year I am #1 - a little lazy to address & stamp all those envelopes and #2 - on a pretty tight budget - so I have decided to use technology and send out our Christmas card via my blog. (And I also can't find my address list!!!!!!).
2011 has been a pretty crazy year for the Henry family. Really crazy actually. In February, after about 7 months of prayerful consideration, we resigned from our jobs, effective the beginning of June. The Lord had called us to seminary, which required a move to Kansas City. We put our house on the market and prepared ourselves for the “big city.” The Lord blessed us with a great buyer for our house near the end of May (nothing like cutting it close). On June 14, we loaded up our borrowed Harley trailer and we set out for Kansas City. We moved from a 1300 square foot home into a 700 square foot apartment…three bedrooms to two bedrooms, two bathrooms to one bathroom…needless to say there were some adjustments made!
We also came out to Kansas City jobless. We both spent about a month unemployed, which was a blessing really. We did worry a little about getting jobs but that month allowed us to settle in, explore the area and spend some much needed time de-stressing and relaxing. I had hoped for a teaching job to fall in my lap but, it didn't. As many of you know, I am currently working at Olive Garden. Along with serving, I also am a certified trainer for servers. I like this because it's sort of like teaching and it gives me a break from serving once in a while! Luke received a job at LifeWay where he is now a key holder, which means a little more hours, a little more money and quite a bit more responsibility!
Luke's also a full-time student at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (hence the reason for moving here!). He is pursuing his Master's of Divinity in Christian Education. He's almost finished his first semester...finals are next week! We aren't sure how long it will take him to finish his Master's. Seminary classes are tough and he's working nearly full-time so we're kind of taking it slow for now!
We are also getting ready to move AGAIN! We moved from Ramsey, to a seminary apartment, then we moved into the apartment below us (less steps and a patio) and NOW we're moving again! Very recently, we stumbled across a duplex for rent near both of our jobs. It was in our price range and we called the number. We met with the owners, a great Christian couple, and plans seemed to fall into place. We will be moving before Christmas. We are very much looking forward to a garage, dishwasher, laundry and more space again! I only lasted 6 months on the seminary campus! Haha! I am spoiled, what can I say?!
2011 has been a pretty crazy year for the Henry family. Really crazy actually. In February, after about 7 months of prayerful consideration, we resigned from our jobs, effective the beginning of June. The Lord had called us to seminary, which required a move to Kansas City. We put our house on the market and prepared ourselves for the “big city.” The Lord blessed us with a great buyer for our house near the end of May (nothing like cutting it close). On June 14, we loaded up our borrowed Harley trailer and we set out for Kansas City. We moved from a 1300 square foot home into a 700 square foot apartment…three bedrooms to two bedrooms, two bathrooms to one bathroom…needless to say there were some adjustments made!
We also came out to Kansas City jobless. We both spent about a month unemployed, which was a blessing really. We did worry a little about getting jobs but that month allowed us to settle in, explore the area and spend some much needed time de-stressing and relaxing. I had hoped for a teaching job to fall in my lap but, it didn't. As many of you know, I am currently working at Olive Garden. Along with serving, I also am a certified trainer for servers. I like this because it's sort of like teaching and it gives me a break from serving once in a while! Luke received a job at LifeWay where he is now a key holder, which means a little more hours, a little more money and quite a bit more responsibility!
Luke's also a full-time student at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (hence the reason for moving here!). He is pursuing his Master's of Divinity in Christian Education. He's almost finished his first semester...finals are next week! We aren't sure how long it will take him to finish his Master's. Seminary classes are tough and he's working nearly full-time so we're kind of taking it slow for now!
We have high hopes for 2012. We are starting the year off with a bang…we leave very early in the morning on January 1 for a 7-day mission trip with our church to El Salvador. This will be the first foreign mission trip for both of us - and the first mission trip we've been on without being in charge of youth!!!!
Upon returning from El Salvador, I will be beginning a new business! I am going to start selling Premiere Jewelry. My kick off party is January 24 (please come!!!). I am VERY excited for this! I love jewelry and Premiere is a great Bible-based company. We are both hoping for different jobs for 2012...especially for me. I miss teaching and would love to get into a local high school or community college here in the area.
If you would have asked me 5 years ago where I would be today, never would I have said (or dreamed) Kansas City. But here we are and I am very thankful for this move. I have learned so much about myself, my marriage and my God over the last half of this year. Breaking out of the norm and changing nearly everything about your life isn't easy, but it has been a wonderful thing for both Luke and I. We miss our families terribly but we know that this is where we are supposed to be.
Continue to pray for us as we travel to El Salvador, settle into our new home and continue the search for the job/career the Lord wants us in. We appreciate all the support, thoughts and prayers everyone has given us over the past six months...I know I wouldn't have made it without them!
2011 was crazy...but will 2012 be even crazier?! Let's find out!!!! :)
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