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El Salvador: Day 5

On Thursday, we switched gears a little. We went from loving orphan girls to evangelizing in a small village called Ozatlan. The church we went to on Day 1 (Strong Tower) has a mission church in this small village. We spent the morning doing different repairs on the mission church such as, filling holes in the roof, putting a door on the bathroom, and changing light switches. 
Rachel, Vic & Jesse patching the roof

Joe changing out a switch
Cheryl talking with the ladies 
After lunch, we broke into groups and did a prayer walk through the village. We also handed out flyers announcing our upcoming soccer & basketball tournament in the park that Saturday. We then walked up to the park and just kind of hung playing see what kind of attention we could draw! After some time, people would stop and watch a bunch of Americans attempting to play basketball with a soccer ball. We got to talk with some local kids that were hanging out also.

Prayer walking through the streets
You may have seen some Facebook posts from me before, announcing that I needed help sponsoring my soccer ball. Each team member was given a soccer ball with the Gospel written on it in Spanish. It was our job to find someone to give this soccer ball too. There was a boy named Jefferson at the park this afternoon...Randy & Raven had been spending time with him and talked with him. They wanted to give him a soccer ball, but no one had brought one but me. So I chose to give my ball to Jefferson. I drug Walter (one of our translators) with me and explained to Jefferson that I wanted him to not only play with the soccer ball, but to read it and have his family read it as well.
Jefferson, Me & his new soccer ball

Randy & Raven talking with Jefferson about his soccer ball
Another great thing that happened this day was that I had an answer for the question Joe had challenged us with. He asked us at the beginning of the week, "Why has God brought you here?" I think each person went on that mission trip to discover many thing about themselves and their God. This is taken directly from my journal from Day 5. "Why am I here? I believe I'm here for many reasons. The most pressing, though, is for God to again show me that He's in charge. In our move, jobs, home and so on I have at times questioned our motive for moving and questioned why things weren't falling into the exact places I wanted them to. I believe that God has brought me here to show me He's in charge, to teach me that I only need Him - He will take care of everything. Philippians 4:19. And He has done this - I just continue to let the worry, fear and disappointment set in. I need to "let go and let God." I must be reminded of this daily until I don't need reminding anymore, I just trust. I don't know what God has in store for us in Kansas City. But I know that I am so very thankful to be a part of Northland and be a part of this mission trip this week."

By this point, the trip was starting to feel as though it was winding down...and we were all starting to get sad about leaving. :(

Action shot in the park!


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