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El Salvador: Last Day!

See how quickly the busyness of life sucks you right back in? I completely forgot to blog about our last day in El Salvador!

Our last day was different than it's original plan. We completed all the work at the mission church in Ozatlan in one afternoon, where they had said it would take us all three days to do it. I guess 20 people can knock out much more work than they were planning! So we didn't really have much to do this day (but we managed to fill it up!).

We started off by going back to the orphanage (which was unexpected!). After saying good-bye to all those girls, we had to do it all over again! While at the orphanage, some of us ventured off to the market in San Miguel. I don't have any pictures of that because it was madness! And if you know me well, I had to focus and breathe deeply just to not have panic attacks due to the crowds and super hot weather!!! In El Salvador, water is generally sold in bags. I paid 25 cents for the two bags Jesse & I are drinking in the picture.
Bag Water

After the market (where I got souvenirs and a sweet soccer jersey!), we went back to the orphanage and they fed us lunch. We hung out there before heading back to the hotel to change. While on our way back, we stopped at a gas station to get some drinks and snacks. Then all the sudden we hear tires squealing and a crash. Like I said before, driving in El Salvador is crazy! A white car had pulled out right in front of a red truck and they hit...hard. The white car kept going (how I don't know because her car was kind of a mess) and people started piling out of the red truck...the back and the front. One of our translators, Walter, is an army guy so he jumped into action. A kid in the bed of the truck had put his hand through the window and there was a baby in the front whose head hit the dashboard (no car seats here). We got ice for the baby, called the police and some of our team members went over to pray with the victims.
Some of our team with the car wreck victims

After that, we headed to the hotel, changed really quickly and then set out for our soccer tournament in Ozatlan. There were well over 300 people there...we played soccer and basketball against the El Salvadorians. We lost real bad in soccer and tied in basketball. I guess they heard we had a 6'8" white guy for our basketball team, so they did some reciting and had a professional El Salvadorian player there too! Haha! We bought and passed out over 300 hot dogs and sodas. It was a really good night, full of laughs and we shared the gospel between our games!

Go Vic! See how those El Salvadorians are playing with bare feet? Crazy!
Half of the crowd for the sports tournaments

Okay, one last story. We went back to our hotel, showered, changed into pj's and ate some pizza. While eating the pizza, we discovered a wedding reception. Now everything is out in the open there so we could see the people at the wedding and hear the music. A few of us ladies stood in the parking lot, dancing to the music at the wedding reception. Soon enough, the bride & groom came out and invited us on stage! So five of us danced, on the stage, in our pajamas at an El Salvadorian wedding reception. How many people can say that?!
PJ's, wet hair, no makeup....with the bride & groom!

Then we went back to our rooms, discovered giant amount of ants (some in our beds!) and were semi-happy to be going home the next day! :)


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