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One year later...

Next Thursday will be one year to the day that we loaded up our Harley trailer and headed for the big 'ol city. How time flies! Seriously, I can't believe it's been a year. In that year, we've had 3 different addresses...Luke's had two different jobs...we've traveled out of the US for the first time (well, for me)...

What a crazy year it has been. I kind of wish I could go back in time and see myself on the day we moved. I definitely remember dealing with some nerves and some tears. It was a rough day, that's for sure. God has shown his provision and grace for us countless times over the past year. Let's take a look...

#1 - Job at OG. Sure, sometimes I dislike my job at the OG. Especially when a little boy yells at me for not having Mountain Dew when his mom sits by with a smile on her face. Teach your children manners, people! But, I have met some really great people at Olive Garden. I have been given the opportunity to see how through Christ I am "set apart" from the rest of the world through this job. I have been able to show the love of Christ to my co-workers and gain their respect through this. Serving also has taught and challenged me to have a servant's heart (whether I liked it or not!). I was able to go from a server to a certified server trainer within three months of working there. If we are short on cash, I can simply walk in the front doors of the restaurant at any given time and pick up a shift. And now, even though I have a full-time teaching job awaiting me...I still am wondering if I want to continue to work at OG as well. I love my co-workers that much!!!!

#2 - Job at Pleasant Ridge High School. This one hasn't really started yet, so we're just going to assume that I love it! No, I really think I will. The administration is great, my fellow business teacher has many years under her belt so I know she'll be a great asset and everyone else I've met has been very nice. There's even a Mr. Henry that teaches there! I heard he's already been dealing with questions of if we are married. Oh joy. While I mentioned that I do like working at Olive Garden, I was so ready for a "real" job again. My hunt had nearly gotten me down in the dumps when Mr. Metsker called while I was in the middle of Hy-Vee and offered me the position. To which I didn't even pause before my "YES, I accept! No, I don't need to check with my husband!!" And then proceeded to hustle out of the store so I could cry tears of joy in the privacy of my own car in the parking lot. ;)

#3 - Luke's job at Dick's Sporting Goods. Finances were getting tight, my friends. Real tight. At about that time, Luke mentioned that he would like to find a new job. Up pops this position at Dick's Sporting Goods. And bam, new job for Luke. While the pay is better than before, but still not great - this job provides great health insurance at a minimal cost for us. If Luke were still working at LifeWay, it would cost $900/month to cover the both of us through my job at the school! Wowza! DSG provides much better insurance at a much lower cost. Plus, Luke works with sporting goods all day long! What could be better than that for him? Through this position, I believe Luke will have the opportunity to meet many people that could help him in his ministry (which he hopes to be sports chaplaincy).

#4 - Our home. I really couldn't cut it on the seminary campus. I really couldn't. I'm sorry. I am just not a true seminary wife. Finding our duplex was great. The other duplexes in the same area were nearly $100 more a month in rent, our landlords are a great Christian couple (who send us Sheridan's gift cards!) and our home is so close to both of our jobs (until August, when I start school!). For now, this place is perfect.

#5 - Our church & friends. Hooray for Northland! Our church has provided so many great things for us. One being our trips to El Salvador and the other, our great friends. Having the ability to meet with other young, married couples without children (so far) has been so good for us. We have made amazing friends that I look forward to sharing life with for many years to come!

I'm sure there are so many other blessings that I'm missing. But these are the top that come to my mind. Being obedient to what God calls us to do is never the easy road. But God will continue to bless and provide for you if you just walk with Him. I look forward to our next year in KC and the many new blessings and challenges it will bring!


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