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El Salvador: Alegria & Naps

I can't actually remember what night we took the trip to Alegria so I think it's worthy of it's very own post! Alegria is a town up in the mountains...along the way we stopped inside a volcano (!) and then had pupusas at the very best place in the entire country. I ate 6, which is a lot. I was very hungry!

The temperature in Alegria was probably 15-20 degrees cooler than in the city. When we had to leave, we all chanted, "No Joe, we won't go!" We did NOT want to head back into the humidity of the city. We pray that mission opportunities will open up in Alegria so we can stay there instead! Haha! :)

It was very foggy but this is a beautiful scenic view on our way up the mountains.
Okay so the Lagoon de Alegria. Whoa, I was inside a volcano! The best part was probably the fact that I needed to go pee (imagine that!). So Joe decided he would show me where the bathroom was. It ended up that the door didn't close and everyone could see me so he had to hold the door shut. Oh, we are much closer friends now after that!!!

The lagoon and you can see the top of the volcano. It was like that all the way around, a giant hole!
Legend is there is a man-eating mermaid in the water here. She is tired of eating El Salvadorian people and is ready for some white meat is what Walter told us. Haha!!!!
These rocks smelled like rotten eggs from all the sulfur. This is an active volcano. I believe the last eruption was in the 1990s from what Milton said.
Luke & I
After getting our fill of the lagoon, we headed into the town where we ate some delicious pupusas at a place called Pupuseria Cristina. They were I said before, I had 6. Most of the women ate 3. Pig, I know! There were so many of us that they just put tables in the streets and we ate out there. It was so nice and cool there...we didn't want to go back down the mountain!
Eating pupusas in the streets of Alegria.
Another note-worthy thing from the trip is taking naps. Now, on a mission trip after working in the heat and not getting much sleep at night, you relish the opportunity (wherever you are) to catch some quick zzz's. Unfortunately, I don't have the ability to sleep anywhere. So my goal on mission trips is to get pictures of as many sleeping people as I can!! :)
Amanda in Pizza Hut.

Sammie & Christina in Pizza Hut
Joe & Renee in the van
Rachel in the van (maybe?)
Harrison & Raven in Biggest.
Joe in Pizza Hut
Everyone in the van (minus Jason).


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