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My First 5K

Well, I completed my very first 5K this past Saturday. Actually, according to someone's calculations it was 3.4 miles, which is .3 miles over a 5K. :)

I don't know if you have ever heard of The Color Run but it was way fun. I spent approximately 3 months training for the run to only learn that it wasn't a competitive thing (not even timed!). I was a little disappointed, but it was still a great experience. At every kilometer, there was a group of people with colored powder (cornstarch actually) to spray, throw, and shoot at us as we ran by.

I ran with three other lovely ladies, who will be pictured below (thanks Jesse for all the great pictures). We got to Arrowhead Stadium about 6:30am and stood in line for over an hour before the race actually started. I'm so glad we went that early...there were 15 waves of people at the starting line (supposedly 1,000 in each wave) and we were in Wave 1. It was SO crowded! When we rounded the finish line, there were still TONS of people in the starting line.

After we finished (I have no idea how long it took me!) we waited for the color party to begin. We were each given a packet of color and at the same time, everyone threw it into the air. There was so much powder in the air, we couldn't see the sun...which was beating down on us! They had music blaring, conga lines, and dance-offs on the was more of a party than a competition.

It was a little difficult to run due to so many people who were walking. It's hard to weave in and out of people traffic. But, I had so much fun and look forward to continuing my training and competing in another 5K in the near future.

Before the race...Megan, Jesse, Me and Kelsey
After the race...not too colorful quite yet
There's the color! This is after the first color packet throw. Wow!
Close up of my face! Which did come clean after lots of scrubbing!
My shirt - which now hangs in Luke's sporty man-cave! :)


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