Hello blog-land. It's been a while. Eighteen or so weeks to be exact. I'm not so good at keeping up with my blog. But, I shall try harder!
It's currently 5:11am; I have been awake since before 3:30am; and am currently 38.5 weeks pregnant (gotta get that .5 in there!). My throat is burning - I have named the heartburn I deal with throatburn, because that is where it lives. My stomach is harder than well, something that's really hard - have you ever felt a contracting uterus - way weird!!! Don't get too excited, it's still just Braxton Hicks at this point, I think. I obviously have trouble sleeping - although this is the first night in a while. And I have to pee, again.
Well, aren't I just a Debbie Downer? This post isn't meant to complain, it's meant to be real. And in being real, I will tell you that being this pregnant, well, it isn't all that great. Now, there are some who say, "I never felt better than when I was pregnant." They lie, especially if they say that all throughout the pregnancy! Sorry if you are reading this and just found out you're pregnant. Well, you probably feel like crap too. And if it's the second trimester, enjoy it while you can!
Things I'll Miss About Being Pregnant...
#1 - Feeling the baby move. Now, his movements these days are kind of painful most of the time. They consist of a foot sticking out on my left side (ouch!) or the feeling that he's drumming his fingers (he's impatient too!) down near my pelvis, but it's still cool. He no longer is rolling around, he moves more from side to side and is pretty consistent with his movements. But, so far, there has been nothing weirder and greater than feeling him move.
#2 - Rocking the cute belly bump in my cute maternity clothes. Oh this one has come and gone, but it was fun while it lasted. My belly is no longer cute, it is just huge. And my cute maternity clothes no longer fit. I have resorted to Luke's shorts and t-shirts....and my belly hangs out most of his t-shirts these days too! But, the belly and the clothes used to be cute. So enjoy it while you can!
#3 - Nice people. They hold doors, they ask how you are feeling, and tell you that you look beautiful. Oh wait, that stopped too. Now, they look at me with pity, ask me how much longer I have to go and tell me that I look miserable. :) But hey, that one was fun while it lasted too!
#4 - Seeing Luke love on the baby. I'm sure that seeing him love on the baby when the baby is actually here will be much cooler. But it is just so sweet when he talks to my belly and tells the baby he loves him. Actually brings tears to my eyes right now just thinking about it!
#5 - Being a part of God's amazing creation. Having gone through almost all of a pregnancy, I cannot understand how people do not see the pregnancy process as something of amazement and wonder. Something that cannot be matched by humans evolving and something that definitely just "didn't happen." I don't know how they can hear that heartbeat, see the baby, feel the baby and deem it NOT a baby. The things that happen to your body, the development that occurs in the baby (just read What to Expect When You're Expecting!) and the overall wonder of it never ceases to amaze me. It is really an awesome thing that only an awesome God could do!
I'm sure there are other things that I'll miss. And I was going to do the things I won't miss but...I think that list might be a little long. At this point, I am not the best pregnant person ever. Some women are patient and kind right up to that last minute. They will just wait on that little baby with a smile on their face. I have become impatient and really kind of grouchy as of late. Sorry. It's true.
But there is a light at the end of the tunnel! Should Baby Henry not make his appearance before next Tuesday, he'll be forced out, thanks to modern medicine. No, it's not medically necessary and no, there isn't anything wrong with either me or him for me to be induced. The doctor's office I go to offers induction at 39 weeks if you have a "favorable cervix" and well, I do! Yippee! Because I am effaced and dilated, the doctor has assured me that both him and I are ready to go. Being induced is kind of a selfish decision, it gets me out of another week, or two, or three of being pregnant and gives me an extra week at home with him before I go back to work. Plus it's also nice to plan ahead. However, I am all about going into labor on my own before then.
So please be praying for us in this last week of my pregnancy. Pray that I will attempt to enjoy being pregnant as opposed to just being ready to be done! Yes, I know, babies are much easier to care for when they are inside you. Yes, I know, the first month is going to be awful. And yes, I know, I'll probably eat my words in a few years and say, "I wanna be pregnant again!" But for now, I am ready to meet this little guy! Pray that I'll go into labor on my own between now and Tuesday to avoid the induction process. Pray for a healthy baby, smooth labor and delivery, and easy transition into parenthood for Luke and I.
We've almost made it! Just 6 days or less to go! :)
It's currently 5:11am; I have been awake since before 3:30am; and am currently 38.5 weeks pregnant (gotta get that .5 in there!). My throat is burning - I have named the heartburn I deal with throatburn, because that is where it lives. My stomach is harder than well, something that's really hard - have you ever felt a contracting uterus - way weird!!! Don't get too excited, it's still just Braxton Hicks at this point, I think. I obviously have trouble sleeping - although this is the first night in a while. And I have to pee, again.
Well, aren't I just a Debbie Downer? This post isn't meant to complain, it's meant to be real. And in being real, I will tell you that being this pregnant, well, it isn't all that great. Now, there are some who say, "I never felt better than when I was pregnant." They lie, especially if they say that all throughout the pregnancy! Sorry if you are reading this and just found out you're pregnant. Well, you probably feel like crap too. And if it's the second trimester, enjoy it while you can!
Things I'll Miss About Being Pregnant...
#1 - Feeling the baby move. Now, his movements these days are kind of painful most of the time. They consist of a foot sticking out on my left side (ouch!) or the feeling that he's drumming his fingers (he's impatient too!) down near my pelvis, but it's still cool. He no longer is rolling around, he moves more from side to side and is pretty consistent with his movements. But, so far, there has been nothing weirder and greater than feeling him move.
#2 - Rocking the cute belly bump in my cute maternity clothes. Oh this one has come and gone, but it was fun while it lasted. My belly is no longer cute, it is just huge. And my cute maternity clothes no longer fit. I have resorted to Luke's shorts and t-shirts....and my belly hangs out most of his t-shirts these days too! But, the belly and the clothes used to be cute. So enjoy it while you can!
#3 - Nice people. They hold doors, they ask how you are feeling, and tell you that you look beautiful. Oh wait, that stopped too. Now, they look at me with pity, ask me how much longer I have to go and tell me that I look miserable. :) But hey, that one was fun while it lasted too!
#4 - Seeing Luke love on the baby. I'm sure that seeing him love on the baby when the baby is actually here will be much cooler. But it is just so sweet when he talks to my belly and tells the baby he loves him. Actually brings tears to my eyes right now just thinking about it!
#5 - Being a part of God's amazing creation. Having gone through almost all of a pregnancy, I cannot understand how people do not see the pregnancy process as something of amazement and wonder. Something that cannot be matched by humans evolving and something that definitely just "didn't happen." I don't know how they can hear that heartbeat, see the baby, feel the baby and deem it NOT a baby. The things that happen to your body, the development that occurs in the baby (just read What to Expect When You're Expecting!) and the overall wonder of it never ceases to amaze me. It is really an awesome thing that only an awesome God could do!
I'm sure there are other things that I'll miss. And I was going to do the things I won't miss but...I think that list might be a little long. At this point, I am not the best pregnant person ever. Some women are patient and kind right up to that last minute. They will just wait on that little baby with a smile on their face. I have become impatient and really kind of grouchy as of late. Sorry. It's true.
But there is a light at the end of the tunnel! Should Baby Henry not make his appearance before next Tuesday, he'll be forced out, thanks to modern medicine. No, it's not medically necessary and no, there isn't anything wrong with either me or him for me to be induced. The doctor's office I go to offers induction at 39 weeks if you have a "favorable cervix" and well, I do! Yippee! Because I am effaced and dilated, the doctor has assured me that both him and I are ready to go. Being induced is kind of a selfish decision, it gets me out of another week, or two, or three of being pregnant and gives me an extra week at home with him before I go back to work. Plus it's also nice to plan ahead. However, I am all about going into labor on my own before then.
So please be praying for us in this last week of my pregnancy. Pray that I will attempt to enjoy being pregnant as opposed to just being ready to be done! Yes, I know, babies are much easier to care for when they are inside you. Yes, I know, the first month is going to be awful. And yes, I know, I'll probably eat my words in a few years and say, "I wanna be pregnant again!" But for now, I am ready to meet this little guy! Pray that I'll go into labor on my own between now and Tuesday to avoid the induction process. Pray for a healthy baby, smooth labor and delivery, and easy transition into parenthood for Luke and I.
We've almost made it! Just 6 days or less to go! :)
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