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Showing posts from August, 2013

New Mommy Post

I wrote this on August 15 in a journal app I downloaded. I didn't realize it at the time, but after I went back and read it, I thought it needed to be shared. :) Today is...dealing with a fussy baby. Dealing with not knowing if you are doing an adequate job of feeding your child. Cleaning massive amounts of spit-up out of a car seat when you are running late for a doctor's appointment. Looking at your child and wondering how you could love anyone more. Feeling inadequate and scared because you have such a weight of responsibility to feed, clothe, nurture and rear this child. Forgetting that you are a child of God and therefore, are never inadequate. Forgetting that you just have to give it to God and He'll take care of it. Forgetting that you aren't doing this alone. Forgetting that God gave you this child...He obviously knows you would be the perfect mother for him. Forgetting that you have an amazing husband who is willing and wanting to help in any way possible...

Mr. Cooper!

Hello all! It's been a few weeks since my last post where I complained about being pregnant. No, I don't necessarily miss being I'm not eating my words as of yet! :) Mr. Cooper Patrick Henry made his entrance to the world on July 30, 2013 at 1:55pm. He weighed in at 7 pounds, 14 ounces and was 21 inches long. Here's the story if you care to listen... ...I chose to be induced. Yes, how selfish of me! I know that some people frown upon using Pitocin and think it's the devil but I had a good experience with it. When I headed into the hospital I was already 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced. I think since I was already making progress it made the whole Pitocin process easier on me. Anywho...we got to the hospital about 5:50am. I signed one paper, then was escorted to my room, handed a grown, told to take off all my clothes, put the grown on and get into bed. Well alrighty then, they don't mess around! Once that was accomplished, the nurse started my IV ...