Hello all! It's been a few weeks since my last post where I complained about being pregnant. No, I don't necessarily miss being pregnant...so I'm not eating my words as of yet! :)
Mr. Cooper Patrick Henry made his entrance to the world on July 30, 2013 at 1:55pm. He weighed in at 7 pounds, 14 ounces and was 21 inches long. Here's the story if you care to listen...
...I chose to be induced. Yes, how selfish of me! I know that some people frown upon using Pitocin and think it's the devil but I had a good experience with it. When I headed into the hospital I was already 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced. I think since I was already making progress it made the whole Pitocin process easier on me. Anywho...we got to the hospital about 5:50am. I signed one paper, then was escorted to my room, handed a grown, told to take off all my clothes, put the grown on and get into bed. Well alrighty then, they don't mess around! Once that was accomplished, the nurse started my IV of fluids and hooked me up to all the monitors. She told me that I was having contractions every 5-7 minutes and I said, "Wow that Pitocin works quickly!" to which she responded..."I haven't started the Pitocin yet." So apparently, what I thought were just Braxton Hicks contractions had been real...I'd been having them for a few days. At 6:30am she started the Pitocin and turned up the dosage every 15 minutes. Not alot happened really. My contractions didn't really get much stronger or quicker. At 9am, my doctor came in and broke my water. That, my friends, is a weird feeling! Once that happened, things started moving right along. By the time my parents came around 10:15, I was hurting pretty bad with contractions every 2-3 minutes. My goal was to make it to 6cm before I got the epidural. When she checked me around 10:30, I was between a 4-5. I toughed it out for a little bit longer and then asked for the epidural around 11:00. When he came to do that, my parents headed out to grab some lunch. The epidural is a gift from God. I mean really, it was amazing! I could still feel the contractions but they didn't hurt! I think I got the epidural around 11:30 and when she checked, I was at a 6. So I guess I made it to my goal! My parents got back around noon and brought Luke lunch. The nurse checked me again at 12:30 and I was at an 8...what happened to 7?! She told me that she didn't think it would be long and she was going to start bringing the equipment in. WHAT?! An hour later, she came in, checked and said..."Parents, say your good-byes, it's time to push!" Um, WHAT again?! Luke had just got done eating his lunch and headed into the bathroom because she said the pushing would probably take up to an hour and a half. No bathroom breaks allowed when pushing! :) When he got back from the bathroom, she already had me pushing! It was seriously so quick I didn't even have time to process what was happening! I pushed a few times, the doctor came in, I pushed a few more times and there he was! I only pushed for 22 minutes.
Overall, I think I was blessed with a pretty easy labor and delivery. In fact, the nurse told me if I have more kids and go into labor on my own or my water breaks, I best get to the hospital because it will be quick. I was prepared to be in labor for 12-16 hours and push for at least an hour but luckily, I didn't have to do that! Someone was watching out for me!
It's now just over two weeks later and we're doing very well. He's a pretty awesome little thing already. He generally only cries when he's hungry or getting a diaper change (or a bath!) and is sleeping well. We are very blessed!
...More to come later! :)
Mr. Cooper Patrick Henry made his entrance to the world on July 30, 2013 at 1:55pm. He weighed in at 7 pounds, 14 ounces and was 21 inches long. Here's the story if you care to listen...
...I chose to be induced. Yes, how selfish of me! I know that some people frown upon using Pitocin and think it's the devil but I had a good experience with it. When I headed into the hospital I was already 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced. I think since I was already making progress it made the whole Pitocin process easier on me. Anywho...we got to the hospital about 5:50am. I signed one paper, then was escorted to my room, handed a grown, told to take off all my clothes, put the grown on and get into bed. Well alrighty then, they don't mess around! Once that was accomplished, the nurse started my IV of fluids and hooked me up to all the monitors. She told me that I was having contractions every 5-7 minutes and I said, "Wow that Pitocin works quickly!" to which she responded..."I haven't started the Pitocin yet." So apparently, what I thought were just Braxton Hicks contractions had been real...I'd been having them for a few days. At 6:30am she started the Pitocin and turned up the dosage every 15 minutes. Not alot happened really. My contractions didn't really get much stronger or quicker. At 9am, my doctor came in and broke my water. That, my friends, is a weird feeling! Once that happened, things started moving right along. By the time my parents came around 10:15, I was hurting pretty bad with contractions every 2-3 minutes. My goal was to make it to 6cm before I got the epidural. When she checked me around 10:30, I was between a 4-5. I toughed it out for a little bit longer and then asked for the epidural around 11:00. When he came to do that, my parents headed out to grab some lunch. The epidural is a gift from God. I mean really, it was amazing! I could still feel the contractions but they didn't hurt! I think I got the epidural around 11:30 and when she checked, I was at a 6. So I guess I made it to my goal! My parents got back around noon and brought Luke lunch. The nurse checked me again at 12:30 and I was at an 8...what happened to 7?! She told me that she didn't think it would be long and she was going to start bringing the equipment in. WHAT?! An hour later, she came in, checked and said..."Parents, say your good-byes, it's time to push!" Um, WHAT again?! Luke had just got done eating his lunch and headed into the bathroom because she said the pushing would probably take up to an hour and a half. No bathroom breaks allowed when pushing! :) When he got back from the bathroom, she already had me pushing! It was seriously so quick I didn't even have time to process what was happening! I pushed a few times, the doctor came in, I pushed a few more times and there he was! I only pushed for 22 minutes.
Overall, I think I was blessed with a pretty easy labor and delivery. In fact, the nurse told me if I have more kids and go into labor on my own or my water breaks, I best get to the hospital because it will be quick. I was prepared to be in labor for 12-16 hours and push for at least an hour but luckily, I didn't have to do that! Someone was watching out for me!
It's now just over two weeks later and we're doing very well. He's a pretty awesome little thing already. He generally only cries when he's hungry or getting a diaper change (or a bath!) and is sleeping well. We are very blessed!
...More to come later! :)
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