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Struggles & Successes #1

Disclaimer: This post is about being a mom. The good, the bad and the ugly. I may even discuss breastfeeding, which is taboo to some. So don't read it if you don't want to hear about it. I title this post #1 because I hope to share my successes and struggles as a mom as I continue on this journey. Maybe someone out there is having the same struggles. Or is trying to have the same successes.

Being a mom is hard. Being a mom makes you love with a fierceness I never knew. Being a mom is probably one of the greatest things in the whole wide world. I'm just over six months in to this whole being a mom thing. And wow. How tough. How fun. How frustrating. How rewarding. All rolled into one.

My kid pukes a lot. I was prepared for poop and prepared for spit up. I thought I had a solid year before I would have to deal with puke. And yes, there is a difference between puke and spit up. I have cleaned up more puke in the past 6 months than I was expecting. I cleaned up a bunch this morning. He had peaches for breakfast. Seriously gross. (I know, it's only going to get worse). Fortunately, we think this is related to his car seat being too small (like it was the last time he puked every time we left the house). Hopefully his upgrade to a new big boy car seat will solve the problem. But really. So much puke in 6 short months.

Leaving the house. This is a real struggle for us. Next time around (if there is a next time), we are taking that baby out. A lot. Six months in and we still do not go places very often. Granted it's really cold and snowy this time of year. Cooper also has a (self-established) bedtime of 7:00 if we are lucky. But if we leave the house together more than a couple times a week, it's a success. I'm looking forward to warmer weather (not usually my thing) so we can go on walks. He can feel grass. We can go to the zoo. We can go to the library and get new books for him to explore. We can get a swing in the backyard. Maybe even a little kiddie pool! Oh, the adventures this summer will bring!

Breastfeeding is hard. Sitting in my classroom three times a day, windows covered and doors locked (learned my lesson to double check), with a machine attached to my boobs is not really my idea of fun. I don't get a lot of work done during that time. I haven't had more than a 15 minute lunch period since I went back to work (and I need more than 15 minutes just for socialization). If a student asks to come in after school to make up work, I have a minor panic attack about the uncomfortableness I will face. But I still do it. I trudge on. I can honestly say I am very committed. I count this as a success. Never thought I'd make it this long. I'm extremely proud to hold a full-time job and be able to continue giving my baby the best. My goals keep coming and going...6 weeks, 4 months, Christmas break, 6 months. I've heard, "won't last long when you go back to work." Four months back at work and still going. I've heard, "wait until he has teeth." Two teeth in and still going. I've heard, "just stop at six months." Past six months and still going. I've heard, "you're still doing that?" Yeah, actually I am. I didn't think I would be this passionate about it. But I am. And I'm proud of me (and Cooper). Seriously.

Smiles. Giggles. Chewing.
Chatter. Rolling. Sitting.
Eating. Drooling. Playing.
Bouncing. Rocking. Snuggling.
Blowing bubbles. Dropping. Throwing.

It's what we do these days. And it's a whole lot of fun.

More struggles and successes to come. Soon, I'm sure.


  1. Please, elaborate on this lesson you learned about locking your door...You did NOT get walked in on by a student, DID YOU?!?!


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