I recently ran across an article about working mom's on Facebook. It's by Rockford Parent. It's called, "You Know You're a Working Mom When..." Kind of like the redneck jokes, only not jokes. Totally serious. Totally true. I read that article and said "mmmm-hmmmm" at the end of every paragraph.
Some of the "jokes" include (I'm paraphrasing here)....
- Spending 8 hours a day with co-workers you don't necessarily love and only 4 (if you are lucky) with your kids.
- Coming home and jumping into cooking dinner and/or housework instead of playing with your kids.
- Missing your kiddos all day but then secretly wishing them to sleep so you can pay the bills, do a load of laundry, clean the dishes.
- Rocking them to sleep while your mind wanders of all the things you "need" to be doing instead of just savoring the moment.
And the real kicker...
- Feeling mediocre in all you do, all the time.
That was the first one in the article and the one that I hadn't realized. Yes, I know I only get to spend a couple hours a day with Cooper (trust me, it makes you feel real guilty); I know sometimes I wish he would be sleeping so I could get things done; I know my mind wanders as I rock him at night to things I "should" be doing. But, I hadn't realized how mediocre I feel, across the board.
I can't be 100% invested at work, because a piece of me is at home. I can't be a fantastic wife because I'm focused on the baby. I can't be the best mommy in whole entire world because I have to...be a wife, work, clean the house, pay the bills, do the laundry, etc, etc, etc. Many times, I feel I don't measure up to what I'm supposed to be.
I am a good mom. I am a good wife. I am a good teacher. In my opinion, I agree with all of those statements. But I can't help but think I come up just a little short in all areas because of the demands placed upon me.
I guess this would be filed under the "struggles" category. There's no answer for how to not feel mediocre when being pulled in so many different directions. If I figure it out, I'll let you know. Until then, I'll keep doing my best and assure myself that it's enough.
Some of the "jokes" include (I'm paraphrasing here)....
- Spending 8 hours a day with co-workers you don't necessarily love and only 4 (if you are lucky) with your kids.
- Coming home and jumping into cooking dinner and/or housework instead of playing with your kids.
- Missing your kiddos all day but then secretly wishing them to sleep so you can pay the bills, do a load of laundry, clean the dishes.
- Rocking them to sleep while your mind wanders of all the things you "need" to be doing instead of just savoring the moment.
And the real kicker...
- Feeling mediocre in all you do, all the time.
That was the first one in the article and the one that I hadn't realized. Yes, I know I only get to spend a couple hours a day with Cooper (trust me, it makes you feel real guilty); I know sometimes I wish he would be sleeping so I could get things done; I know my mind wanders as I rock him at night to things I "should" be doing. But, I hadn't realized how mediocre I feel, across the board.
I can't be 100% invested at work, because a piece of me is at home. I can't be a fantastic wife because I'm focused on the baby. I can't be the best mommy in whole entire world because I have to...be a wife, work, clean the house, pay the bills, do the laundry, etc, etc, etc. Many times, I feel I don't measure up to what I'm supposed to be.
I am a good mom. I am a good wife. I am a good teacher. In my opinion, I agree with all of those statements. But I can't help but think I come up just a little short in all areas because of the demands placed upon me.
I guess this would be filed under the "struggles" category. There's no answer for how to not feel mediocre when being pulled in so many different directions. If I figure it out, I'll let you know. Until then, I'll keep doing my best and assure myself that it's enough.
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