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You may have seen some strange sightings of a Flat Bri on Facebook. I've had people comment, message and speak to me in person about this phenomenon. There's some fun friends at First Baptist Fairview Heights. If you are wondering what in tarnation Flat Bri is - here is some background info.

So, I do these video announcements at church. It's relatively new, been doing them a couple months. Basically, Luke and I film me welcoming everyone to church and then I go through a few important announcements. It saves time and prevents someone from having to walk up to the stage, read straight from the bulletin, and then awkwardly walk off stage. It's fun. Or at least I think it is!

After the first video, one of my friend's sons wondered where I was filming. He really wanted to know where I was! A few of us joked about this - we thought it could be fun for me to film in various places around the church and then have a contest to see who could guess where I was. We then crossed over into chatting about a cut-out Bri in the bulletin as part of the contest. And then, it happened. Someone mentioned Flat Stanley and the rest is history. I thought we were just joking, but then the next night at Vacation Bible School, I was introduced to Flat Bri.

She's become our church "mascot" (at least for my church friends on Facebook), if you will. In her short month of life, she's been quite the traveler. She assisted at VBS shortly after her birth. Then, she went to Indiana with the Kashycke family.
From here, she hopped over to the McCleary family's van and became the 5th McKid. I mean, if you have four - what's one more?
After a late night transaction, she then was up early to travel to Kentucky with our youth for MissionFuge.
And now, after a day of rest, she was last sighted in London (I think?) en route to Kenya, Africa with our church's mission team.
I'm not sure if this helps explain all the posts, but I can tell you it's been lots of fun. We've had lots of laughs over Flat Bri and her flat adventures. I believe her schedule is pretty clear after she returns from Kenya if anyone would like a turn. My friends are fun. That is all. :)


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