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Let the Baking Begin!

Have you ever seen the movie "Julie and Julia?" I didn't think it was the best movie I had ever seen but I enjoyed the cooking portion of it. And now that I call myself a blogger - I was struck with a similar idea today. I enjoy baking...A LOT. Not healthy for the waistline, but fun nonetheless. I'm not very creative, nor do I have the patience to decorate my creations very well. But, maybe through baking I will learn the virtue of patience and tap into my creative genes.

Luke bought me a cookbook for Christmas this past year. It's called the Hummingbird Bakery cookbook. The bakery is in London and they specialize in cupcakes, pies, cakes, name it. I have decided to do a little "Julie & Julia" project of my own using this cookbook. I won't have nearly the rules that the movie did. I just want to bake everything in that cookbook. I won't blog each and every time I bake something, because you will probably get bored. But, if you live close by, know that there will always be baked goods at our house. I may have to leave some cupcakes on doorsteps around here, or else I'll weigh 200 pounds before this is over! Oh, and I think Julie had a meltdown about her small kitchen in the movie...I can see that happening here, very soon!

The fun began tonight, with simple vanilla cupcakes. They were pretty good, I must say...especially the frosting. I hope to get better at the decorating portion of baking and maybe even find some classes to take around here that will teach me more about baking. If you enjoy cooking or baking, maybe you can find the time to pick a cookbook and try to make as many of the recipes as you can.

And if God chooses to use baking to teach me patience and creativity I'm all for it. As long as I can keep eating my creations! :)


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