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New Addresses & For Sale Signs

So, how did we get to this point of new addresses and for sale signs? Well, it's been quite a long process.

It all began about a year ago. We were in the car, driving home from visiting some friends (Pat & Mandi). Both of us were lost in thought...and it happened to be the same thought. I don't remember who brought it up first, but for some reason, we were both thinking about the fact that we needed to go to seminary. We had discussed it before, but not in length. In the car, we figured out that we needed to go to seminary...the where and the when came later. 

In June, we went to World Changers in Michigan with the youth. There we met my favorite person, Pastor Mike. Pastor Mike sat both of us down (separately) and explained that we HAD to go to seminary (Fort Worth, Texas preferably). If we were going to do this, it needed to be better time than the present, said Pastor Mike. The seed had been planted...and now watered just a tad.

In August, we decided to go visit my dear cousin Jesse, who just so happens to attend Midwestern. We spent a couple days there, toured the campus and visited some sights of KC. And...I cried the entire 5 hour ride home. I knew that we were going to be in KC soon and I knew that I didn't want to go! Seed planted, watered and growing!

By the time we realized that we were supposed to move to KC, it was too late. School was starting in a couple weeks and, me being a teacher, I can't just leave in the middle of a school year. So we decided to push it back until the next August...which is THIS August now!!! The fact that we've been stewing over this for 7 months is such a blessing. In no way, shape or form was I ready to pack up and move. I can't say that I'm ready now either, but I'm much closer than I was 7 months ago. 

This is our for sale sign in our yard. Beautiful, isn't it? Not going to lie, I got a little teary eyed when that sucker went in our yard. We've lived in our house for a year and a half...not very long. But, this for sale sign isn't an end to anything. It's only the beginning...

Our housing letter. It's official...we have a place to's all really happening...and it's happening pretty quick!!! For the record, our new address will be 5107 North Oak Trafficway, Apt. #4, Kansas City, Missouri 64118. Big city, big change, big adventures and I'm sure there will be big blessings as well. Seed planted, watered, growing...and the bloom will occur in just a few short months.

Our for sale sign and our new address signify the closing of one chapter and the beginning of another. We know that lots of people are thinking about us and praying for us. Please don't stop!!! While we know this is where we are supposed to be, that doesn't make it a walk in the park. 300 miles away from family is NOT something I am used in a city with ALL 4 lane roads...not used to that either..oh, there's stoplights too (I barely even know what those are!). But those are just minor details in the plan that God has in store for us. I am excited for that plan, and I hope you are too! :)


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