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As The Time Draws Near...

Well folks, the time is almost here. For the move, that is. I can't talk about it much, because as each day passes, I seem to get more emotional and sentimental. So I've decided to give you guys some more details regarding our move and also some ways that you can pray for us.

We will be moving out of our house on June 7 (or close to that...depending on when we close on the house). We have quite a bit packed up. We've been doing a little at a time and trying to not be procrastinators. We have so much stuff though...seriously, where did it all come from?

From there, we will be staying with my parents for about a week. The reasons for this are #1) June 14 is just the day we had in mind at the beginning so we're sticking to it and #2) most likely, my brother Adam will be coming with us instead of my Dad (it is busy season you know, plus he's got a bum elbow!). Adam only has Tuesday/Wednesday we have to go when he can go. So, June 14 is moving day...the big day...I will be an emotional casserole!

As I mentioned above, I seem to be getting sad these past couple of days. I cry when I think about moving. And really...besides my family and a few friends, what is holding me back here? I know I'll see my family -  and we do have great modern conveniences now such as a telephone to catch up with them. I will miss my job and my students, but that changes each year so who knows what next year could bring?  In my mind, I know I am ready to be out of Ramsey. I know that this what we're supposed to be doing. In my heart, I know God will provide because He's already done so much. But I have this gripping fear that I'm going to hate it there. I am NOT a city girl...I prefer dirt, fields, two lane roads, and my nearest neighbor down the road, NOT sharing a wall with me. What if I do hate it there? I'm actually laughing and crying at the same time writing this because it sounds so crazy. I won't hate it, right? It's where God has placed us...surrounded by wonderful Christian people, with millions of things to do and places to see. I have got to start thinking positive here! :)

What a jumbled up mess I am. So here's what you can do. You can pray for us! Please pray that -
#1 - the closing of our house goes well. We really cannot afford for this not to work out!
#2 - God will provide jobs for us. I don't have any bites on a job. I'm hoping that once I get there something great will come along. I need full-time with benefits to support my dear husband! And he needs something part-time to keep him out of trouble! :)
#3 - I won't hate it! I'm serious on this one! Just pray that we will find supportive friends, a great church, good jobs, and that we'll be loving it so much that there won't be any homesickness.
#4 - for Luke to be able to concentrate on his studies. He took two classes online, I've talked to seminary students - it's not like college. It's LOTS of reading, studying, papers...okay, that does sound like college! But this isn't "just" a degree....this is serious business.

Thank you so much for your support, thoughts, and prayers during this time. Somewhere deep inside, I am excited for this new adventure. I am sure that once I'm there, I will be okay. It's the leaving part that's tough. It's new to me...however, I feel like this is Adventure #1 of many to come. I'm going to have to learn to deal with it. :)


  1. You're GOING TO LOVE IT.
    The Lord has a strange way of breaking down walls (comfort zones) and using brokenness to sanctify you and bring you closer to him and to other Christians! I know there are couples there that are just WAITING for a fun couple like you guys!
    We'll be praying for you:)


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