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Where is your identity?

So I was watching "The Today Show" this morning (as I do many mornings). A segment came on about the secrets of a strong marriage. I thought I would take a look, just to see what they said.

Wow, they said some crazy things. According to their survey, 70% of women married 15-70 years think seriously about divorce at least once every 6 months. WHAT? There's a book out now (I can't remember the name of it) but, according to the book, some of the suggestions for keeping your marriage strong were: spending time apart, finding an activity to do by yourself, focusing on your children, one woman even said that she meets her college boyfriend every couple of months for "lunch and making out" and that's okay, even good for her marriage, because it's not an affair. Uh, seriously? Is this what people buy into? I can't even imagine how many women were at home this morning, watching that clip. Maybe even considering something so crazy as meeting another man every couple of months for "lunch and making out" to strengthen their marriage. What has happened to a strong marriage through Christ's perfect example of love through His death and resurrection? What's happened to grace, forgiveness, mercy and having fun TOGETHER?

I am no marriage expert...I have been married all of 2 years and about 4 months now. But I know that making out with someone else is definitely not going to strengthen my marriage. I know that spending our summers apart would not be a good idea. And focusing on myself, my children (if I had them) and what I like to do is not going to help us grow together.

I've been reading a couple books, The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis and Spiritual Warfare for Women by Leighann McCoy. I have also been participating in a study of Identity in Christ (through Romans 8). They have really opened my eyes to the way Satan attacks us, specifically as women. And knowing this, I see the lies of this world time and time again.

Christians, we are SO incredibly lucky. The Spirit of God lives IN us. That means we are free from the bondage of the world, free from being taken down by Satan. We know the love of God and we can then love our spouses/children/family/friends with that same love. Now, this doesn't mean we don't have to SEE the bondage around us or FEEL Satan attacking us. Because we do. But we are not OF this world - we're merely IN the world. We are OF Jesus Christ who has overcome this world. He who will never lose to Satan. Our identity is in Christ, not in this world and the things of this world.

Let me say that again, our identity is in Christ, not in the world. Is your identity in Christ? 
More to come on this topic later :)


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