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Trust Your Gut

Hey everyone! Can you believe summer is almost over? I must say this summer has flown by and it's been so. stinking. hot. I pray that fall will come soon - although I'm sure it wont!

Just wanted to give everyone a quick update on the Henry family. Remember when I wrote was in May...

"Anyway, Luke took a new job at Dick's Sporting Goods that is full-time, going to provide really good, super cheap insurance and a larger paycheck.  However, this job is, like mentioned above, full-time. Which cramps his seminary style. He'll still be going - but it will be more online and evening classes and possibly part-time. Fast forward a couple weeks and I land a teaching job for the fall. Is it sad that we are so excited and think we'll be so financially secure from a teaching salary?! So, beginning with my first paycheck in September, we won't NEED Luke's income from DSG to get us by (but we do WANT it!)." - Quoted from May's blog titled Obedience.

I was talking about how seemingly good things can also distract and hinder us from what God wants us to be doing. Well....Luke's last day at Dick's Sporting Goods is next Saturday. I know. Bummer. Good-bye super cheap insurance and a bigger paycheck. In May, I had a gut feeling about this and I was right. We moved to KC for Luke to attend seminary. We do love it here and I have a hunch that when he gets done with school (whenever that may be), we may continue to live here. Don't tell my parents. ;) BUT....for right now, we are here for seminary. And seminary has to be one of our top priorities. Not cheap insurance, not a full-time job, not even a job where we get to be around sporty things. Nope, seminary is it. Unfortunately, there were about 2 classes Luke could take while working at DSG and they were both evening. 

He went and spoke to his manager at LifeWay and she was willing to reinstate him immediately doing exactly what he was doing before with the same pay. So, he's going back to that part-time. Also, Luke has begun looking for youth ministry positions in the area. In a perfect world, he won't have to work at LifeWay too terribly long because a church will snatch him up. I believe he's already applied to about 5 positions so far. 

So be in prayer for us. We will now have to purchase insurance for Luke (I can get mine through the school but adding Luke is like $500/month). We will also have less income - including the fact that I don't get paid from the school until September 15. Also pray that Luke will receive a ministry position and that it will be the perfect one God has lined up for us. 

God sure has kept us on our toes this past year...I have stopped trying to guess what's coming next!


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