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My Two Favorite Men

I would like to take this opportunity to share about the two favorite men in my life. Today is Father's Day. Tomorrow is my anniversary. From this, you can obviously guess that my two favorite men are my husband and my Dad.

We will first start with my dad. Many of those who read this know him. Or at least I hope you do! If not, you are missing out. My dad short...a kook. :) Kook is a term of endearment, coined by my college roommates. Only the best people are qualified as kooks. My dad is extremely hard-working, very dedicated to his family, church and job, and just an all-around great guy. He can always make me laugh and has always supported me in everything I've done. I know it was really difficult for him to accept our move to Kansas City. But I think he's doing okay...or at least it seems like he is! Hopefully this move will force him to venture out of Fayette County once in a while! (Please come see me!) Here's just a few memories I have of my Dad - he used to rock me in the recliner at night and sing, "Rock a baby and a pillow (or whatever I happened to have with me) and a Brianne-y..." - He would "zoom" me down the hall when it was time for bed - He never had to spank me, he just had to look at me and the tears would come (they probably still would!) - He used to let me drive to church on his lap and later on, he would let me drive to look at fields way before legal driving age - He used to let me fill out his chemical sheets...made me feel important...hehe. People who know my dad will say he's a good person who would give you the shirt off his back. When I meet people (back home), I can always tell them that I'm Mike Hayes' daughter - he knows pretty much everyone. For some people, this might be embarrassing. But not for me. As I already told him, I am honored and proud to be his daughter.

Next, onto my dear husband. Tomorrow (Monday) is our two-year anniversary. Wow, I can't believe it's been two years. It seems like we just met - although we did have a pretty whirlwind dating/engagement period. You see, Luke and I knew each other for about...a month before we decided we were getting married. We were on vacation with Josh and Keri at the time. We told them we wanted to get married in the car while Josh was driving, Keri simply pulled out her calendar book and said, When's the date? Looking back, I think about how crazy that was! Knowing each other a month and wanting to get married?! Geez! :) But, obviously, it wasn't based upon sinking sand. It was the pure works of God and His ultimate plan. Luke came into my life at precisely the right time, when I was ready and when God knew I was ready. He makes me laugh, is so supportive and I know will always be there for me. I honestly couldn't ask for a better husband. I feel truly blessed to be his wife.

I hope that each of you have special men in your life. It may not be a dad or may be a friend or a brother (I have two great brothers also - they are numbers 3 and 4!). Take the time to enjoy the people in your life. You may not get to see them as often as you like (especially if you move 300 miles away!) savor the moments you do have with them.


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