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Wollerman Christmas Memories

Remember when Christmas was at Grandma & Grandpa Wollerman's house?

Remember how it was an all day event? It felt like we got there in the morning and it was dark when we got home!

Remember how we never ate on time?

Remember how you got really hungry, so you went in the kitchen?

Remember how you made the mistake of asking when it would be time eat?

Remember how you got shooed out of the kitchen? I think it was usually by Aunt Deb, but I could be  mistaken? :)

Remember how we lined up youngest to oldest when we finally got to eat?

Remember when I was towards the front of the line? Well, except for Jesse...she ALWAYS got to go before me...

Remember how yummy the food was? Well, it still is. We are blessed with great cooks!

Remember how we took up every room in the house to eat? I remember eating on the porch, always!

Remember how I used to race to the entry to make sure I got some of Aunt Jodi's pudding dessert? I've tried to make it before, it's just not the same.

Remember how the office was filled to the brim with gifts?

Remember how Grandma used to buy all those gifts herself? I mean seriously, how did she keep track? And how much money did she spend?

Remember how we all found a spot to sit in the family room? Chairs, couches, floor, on someone's lap?

Remember how long it took for your turn to open a present again once we got started?

Remember how we had to go back in the office and bring out all the adult's gifts because there wasn't enough room for everything under the tree?

Remember how Grandma used to let some of us kiddos help pass out the gifts when it was the adult's turn to open?

Again, how much time did Grandma spend shopping? How did she keep it all organized? And seriously, how much money did she spend?!

Remember how the trunk of the car was filled up with all the gifts when you got home?

Remember when everyone kept getting married and having kids?

Remember how Grandma & Grandpa's house become too small for all of us?

Remember how bummed we all were when we had to move locations for Christmas?

Well, remember no matter where we hold our Christmas celebration...we are just one large, crazy, loud family. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

Hope to see EVERYONE next Saturday at the Wollerman Christmas!!!!

PS - Seriously Aunt Jodi, don't forget the pudding dessert......


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