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Apartment Pics!

I suppose I finally feel settled in enough to allow a few pictures to be shown. Things are getting in order around here. Our new furniture was delivered yesterday - which really helps it feel more like a home. Yes, I will tell you - this place is TINY! If we would have started out here, it would have been fine. But living in our previous home (with my huge kitchen) has spoiled us. The downfalls so far are: 4 flights of stairs DOWN to do laundry (which costs $2.50/load and is used by 4 apartments), 2 flights up carrying groceries and a small, small kitchen. However, this place is pretty darn cozy and decorating a new space is always fun! :)

This picture was taken standing in the living room. That is the kitchen wall. Had to make up for hardly no cabinets with a couple purchases from IKEA (love it!)...the cart and the shelf on the wall.

This is half of the kitchen. It does have a new stove/microwave. The cabinets and counter tops are new as well, there just isn't very much of them!

And the other half of the kitchen. And that's all she wrote! If you need to be reminded of my previous kitchen, I think there is a picture of it on Facebook. Take this kitchen, multiply the size by like 10...and you have my old kitchen. I haven't really cooked in this kitchen yet, because I can't figure out how...but I'll work on that later!

This is our "dining room" or rather our dining nook!

This picture was taken right as you walk in the front door. It is most of our living room. The area that is covered in blinds is a large sliding door which leads to a small balcony. Our apartment overlooks the playground area and more apartment buildings. But there are SO many kids here. It's really amazing how many people have families here. I am still trying to get over the shock of it!

This is the front of our living room. Looks almost exactly like it did in our previous home!

Down a small hall is a bathroom and 2 bedrooms. Our bedroom is missing some decorations on the wall, the spare room is still a disaster and...who wants to see the bathroom? :) Well, there you have it. More info and pics to come later.

PS - it's a good thing that Luke and I get along well, because we have been spending ALOT of time together these past few days. Like, all of our time. We need friends! :)


  1. It looks great! Starting to look like HOME! It looks a lot more up to date than Jesse's apartment! :)


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